It Was A Necessity (Angst, Fluff)

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OML I am so sorry for not posting recently. I'm really hoping to catch up. I'm so so so so so sorry. Also, request by iloveorhateithere

It's that time of year when things get busy. Kids are returning to school, adults returning to work and a possibility of another lockdown. Being the wife of the top 3 pro hero's, you were often very nervous. You didn't want your boys to get sick, injured, or even bruised.

It's scary even for you. Like so much can happen that is out of your control. Someone could come to your house, one of your boys could go missing, it was just too much. Instead of getting things done around the house today, you sat and watched the news. You wanted to know your boys were safe, but even the news couldn't reassure you.

Every time the newscaster said "Breaking News," you would sit up straighter in your chair. With your boys being all of the Top 3 heroes, it was constantly about them. Thankfully, this time it was them talking to the reporter about the fight.

Because you were watching the TV all day, you never paid attention to the time or even your own needs. You got startled when the front door to the house opened. You got up and slid to the front door, into the chests of your husbands. They all looked at each other in confusion but accepted the affection anyway.

"I missed you guys so much and I was so worried about you," you said into their muscles. "But baby, we didn't do anything but our normal work today," Izuku replied while giving you a kiss to the top of your head. "Dummy, have you eaten anything today?" Katsuki asked while taking off his boots.

You shook your head into Izuku's chest and Katsuki just sighed. Izuku picked you up and carried you to the kitchen, setting you down on the counter. Shoto took the place in between your legs as you heard Katsuki shuffling through the cabinets.

"Honey, we know that you worry about us but we worry about you too. You need to take care of yourself during the day or we will make sure that one of us will stay home with you to take care of you. You need to eat and drink and sleep while we are gone." Shoto said while rubbing your thighs and looking you in the eyes.

This wasn't the first time you hadn't taken care of yourself and you guess it wasn't fair at this point for them to have to worry about you at work.

Once you had gotten some yummy dinner in your body, you asked the boys for cuddles. Of course, they agreed. They took you to the bedroom and Katsuki laid you on his chest. You straddled his waist and you laid your head on his chest. Izuku grabbed a blanket and cuddled up to Katsuki as Shoto turned on a show that the boys have been binging recently, and then followed Izuku into cuddling.

At that moment, you couldn't help but feel so safe and relieved that your boys were ok and that they had no intentions of leaving until tomorrow morning.

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