Let Me Go (Angst)

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And I'm back! Look at me! This request was from xiaos-hoe

Your vision was foggy as you woke up. Darkness with a slim amount of light. And a figure in front of you. A man you had seen before. Dabi.

"Your finally awake doll. Toga, it's time." He said while bending down to get into your face. "You are a pretty little thing aren't you." You flinched as he reached his hand to touch your face. You were helpless in this situation. Toga was able to draw enough blood for a while from your body. She giggled and started taunting you. You just prayed they could find you. 

Days had passed and you realized they weren't coming for you. You had lost all hope. The LOV continued to abuse you and use you for your quirk. And now that you lost hope, you let it happen so easily. You had become numb and were just hoping it was all a dream. You would wake up any minute now. Right?

Wrong. Months have now passed and you started falling for some of your kidnappers. Call it Stockholm syndrome if you will. They showed you pictures of your "lovers" now happy with a new girl. The media had blown up and they had forgotten all about you. The best part was happy for you. You knew their weak spots.

It wouldn't be till almost a year later, you would realize how much they had lied to you. They told you false promises and hopes. It wouldn't be until you stood over their bodies, blood dripping down your hands, that you would realize. It was a happy ending.

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