Grape Face (Fluff)

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Hello! This was a request from the lovely iloveorhateithere I was so excited to write all their requests and this was number one. Hope you enjoy! I also apologize this is a day late.

Constant messages were coming in. One after another and another. You just left the stupid "adult" on reading, hoping he would give up. And of course, it didn't seem like he would.

 And of course, it didn't seem like he would

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You didn't know what to do at all. It was so annoying that you were CONSTANTLY getting messages. If your reading this and thinking, "just block him, dummy". You have tried. Multiple times. But Mineta has his ways and knows how to bypass that block.

At this point, you left the room and left your phone on the table, turning away from it and walking out the door to go for a walk and clear your mind. But alas, someone came and checked your phone on the table and got very angry by the texts they had seen.

You made it home, panting as you walking into the doorway and taking your shoes off.

"Care to explain what's going on here?" A voice called from down the hallway.

You looked up from untying your shoe, to be met with pure red eyes. You look to your left and see a phone in his hand. It seems to be yours by its case.

"What do you mean Bakubabe?" you asked while letting out a giggle.

"You know what. These text messages you have been receiving are not from any of us and contain some dirty content. Wanna explain why before you get punished?" Bakugou asked as he stepped closer to you.

You thought about it for a second, forgetting what happened. You then laughed remembering, getting a glare from the man in front of you.

"Y/N this isn't funny. Tell me what is happening here." He said while taking an approach on you.

"Ka- Katsuki- it's just M-Mineta" you said through your constant giggles. "He's been harassing me all day. I swear it's nothing."

Your explanation earned you a grow. Katsuki then charged at you and picked you up. He took you over to the bedroom and laid you down.

He laid on top of you and put his head into the crook of your neck and left it there. You could feel his warm, gentle breaths making you shiver a bit.

"What happened this time love?" A figure asked from the door way.

"Nothing, Katsuki is just being a jealous baby." You told Sho with a giggle.

This made Katsuki snuggle his head into your neck closer. You didn't really know how this was possible because he was so damn close to you already.

This also earned a couple giggles from the doorway. Shoto walked into the room with Izuku on his back. Izuku was then also thrown onto the bed next to you and Shoto took the other side.

"You do belong to us though Angel," Izuku said with a whine as he snuggled into your side and Katsuki's side too.

This earned a nod of heads from Katsuki and Shoto. At that moment, you felt something wet on you neck. Katsuki had licked you neck and not Shoto was coming in from the other side to leave... a few... marks.

"Wait! I wanna help too! She belongs to me too!"

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