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*it was all edited^^ just go ahead and enjoy


The sound of the moving trucks were clearly heard in the highway.


It means that the is a new family moving in this neighbourhood.

And guess what, we got twins!

Muichirou  Tokito swiftly opened his eyes, yawning.

'Huh? Where am I?' He wondered as he looked around the house.

Walking to the living room.

He stopped quickly when he herd his angry twin yelling at his phone.

'What the actual hell? It has been a whole fucking hour! You said you are coming in ten minutes?!' Flames are forming from yuichirou's eyes.

Th other head of the phone just sweat dropped and immediately hung up.

Yes, i forgot to introduce you guys, Yuichiro Tokito, the one and only old grumps in this entire universe.

Just now, muichirou yawned as he walked in the room and started to help his brother to unpack the cardboard boxes.

After a few minutes, muichirou started to doze off again.

Suddenly, a angry yell was heard from Yuichiro again, making muichirou snap out of his day dreams.

'Oh yes, we are moving to somewhere new. How can I forget again?' Muichirou yawned as he took out his clothes from the cardboard box.

'Oi bro! Cut the crap out of dozing and do your work!' Yuichiro yelled, loud enough to let his twin brother to snap out from his daydreaming.

Muichirou just groaned from annoyance, earning a hard glare from his brother.

All of a sudden-


A whole bucket of iced water was dumped in Muichirou's face.

'Ow! What the hell bro? It hurts me!' Muichirou cried anime tears.

Yuichiro sweat dropped at his twin, as he knew that his bro didn't get his point. Muichirou should leave the house immediately, or else, who will know what happens next?


When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now