A unexpected guest(1)✨

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No one's pov:

'Yawn!' I can't sleep, wait, it is already half past 6 in the morning.' Muichirou looked at the sun outside the window, he looked at Mikela which is supposed to be next to him. But he remembered that Mikela mentioned that she will go out with Sora at 6a.m. So she must left now.

'Ahh, it is ok. I can do my things and I'll work two hours later. I'll maybe play games in my phone?' 

Muichirou took out his phone in his jacket.

In his lock screen, it is a photo of him, his twin and all his friends. It is a photo that they go to a picnic.

They all smiled happily in the photo. Even his emotionless brother have a slight smile plastered on his face. It is very rare to see Yuichiro smile, he wears a frown all the time.

Muichirou started to have a sour feeling in his stomach. Tears are in his eyes. He really missed his friends and his brother since he don't know when will he see each other again.

He remembered what Sora told him.


'Muichirou, you are so lucky!' Sora squealed.

'Ehh, why do you say that?' Muichirou asked.

'It is since the mirror will only open to the human world every five centuries or it is in a good mood! It is a miracle that you can come back here after two that!' Sora smiles.

'Oh, really?' Muichirou asked again.

'Of course, I won't lie to you.' Sora grins.

Ends flashback


'It is a really hard choice, to choose to stay in the spirit world or the human world.' Muichirou thought, since he need to give up all his friends in human world, and even his brother in order to stay in the spirit world. He really like his friends, especially the Kamado siblings, Nezuko and Tanjiro.  They are so kind to him when he moved to the house next to them two years ago.

He always hang out with them. Even they are very popular at secondary school, they still didn't forget him. They avoided their fan boys and girls to be just with him. 

'Nezuko, Tanjiro, how are you? Are you still as happy as before?' Muichirou sat on the windowsill and look at the blue sky.

'I missed you two the most. Thankyou, for everything. Thankyou for comforting me when I am sad. And thank you for being my friends. He looked at the small keychain that nezuko and Tanjiro made for his 14th birthday. The small shell keychain hung on his phone. The tiny bells ring when the wind gently blows it.

He remembers how Tanjiro and nezuko promised him

Flash back:

'Muichirou, why are you crying?' Tanjiro is shocked that his good friend is crying.

'Did my fan girls bully you again? Or they said something mean to you again? You should just ignore them!' 

'I...' muichirou shuttered.

'Don't worry to say it out, no one is around here, except us.' Nezuko encourages.

'I... am not as popular as you two.... why you two will spend time with a unpopular person like me? Aren't you wasting your time?' Muichirou finally said out.

'Oh... I assume that our fans said something mean to you again. Don't be sad. We want you to be friends with us because you are Muichirou. You don't need to consider that are you famous or not, we will be friends forever.' Tanjiro said.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now