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Muichirou's pov:

Without any hesitation, I waved at the dragon, signalling it to come here, but it seems like it doesn't get the hint to come near me. So I waved my uniform sash at its direction, hoping  that it can see me over here. To my dismay,, it seemed to ignore my presence and dashed to the river below,, just to fly up once again towards the bath house.

'Oiiii! Over here!' I yelled as loud as I can, finally catching that dragon's attention, and it tried it's best to fly over here, but the seemingly  bird shaped papers  over there seemed to block its way towards me. With a few hard tries, the dragon successfully shooed off most of  the birds, making its way to fly straight into the yuna's room as fast as it can.

Touching the birds, it disappeared at the moment I  touched them,'It is much more fragile than paper!' I exclaimed when I saw the birds disappeared. Huh- how weird,, how could it cause such a damage to a mythical mighty creature like a dragon when they are as thin as a paper? Unless..

Is that what magic looks like? Storing unbreakable power inside something small and fragile? Is that the definition of power? Is that.. how strong magic can be? Is that why,, magic is considered to be dangerous,, even to the demons and spirits?


Mika's pov:

Ugh,, what did I got myself into? Thanks to that mission the old hag gave me, those pesky spies kept on getting in my way,, peeling off my beautiful scales from my body! Just for a damn stamp?! How stupid is that?

In my fuzziness, i couldn't see well,, let alone hearing someone calling my name. Somehow,, I saw a bright light once I got near the voice I heard. How.. how did I recognise that voice? It's as gentle as the dew of water trickling of a dainty leaf. Huh? I swear to god that I have heard that voice somewhere. Is that the boy.. I love?

Ughhh, those stupid birds, why don't they just leave me alone?! Ye quit the act. What if.. my brother know about it.. about how I do that hag's dirty work in his place? He won't be pleased with me.. would he despise me for it? What the hell did I do? Why did I let yubaba to control me.. tell me what is my purpose to exist in this cruel world.. tell me.. Muichirou.

Slowly loosing my consciousness bit by bit,, gashes and wounds littered on my skin with the scales freshly pulled off by those spying birds, blood gushed out of my untreated wounds. I see the darkness coming for me as I slowly closed my eyes,, Muichirou.. please save me from the darkness I'm falling into.

With my last ounce of strength,, I flew away from the room with all my might,, leaving the boy standing in the messy room.


Muichirou's pov:

Now it is a big mess in the yuna's room. Theres blood and dirt everywhere! Those remains of the "paper birds" scattered everywhere like snowflakes,, the paper doors are torn down and disrupted with blood splattered on it,, the walls are painted with the dragon's blood. Rim would totally scold me if she saw that later if she comes back, better clean up this mess later once I treated the dragon

'Are you mika?' I asked the dragon, which is struggling to get up since of its injuries littered around its body,, which I failed to spot there's a huge gash painted on her stomach,, with blood constantly spilling out. It just glared at me for a whole minute in confusion , before grunting in pain and agony.

Before I can do anything to help it,, It started to fly away while trying to balance horribly , leaving the mess behind. I shook my head slightly,, before a realisation hit me like a rock.. is that.. actually mika.. ? 'Mika.. MIKA CHAN! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!' I yelled at the direction she left with tears spilling from my eyes. Unfortunately,, she already left for good, without leaving a trance.

'Sora chan is also a spirit.. and a friend of mika.. she might help me.'

With that thought, I dashed out the room in a second, and ran up to the rooms where the guests live, as I remember where Sora's room is,, hoping to seek help from her.


No one's pov:

Running through the corridors, Muichirou finally found the spirit's room. 'SORA!' Muichirou banged loudly on Sora's door, attracting the other spirit's attention,, yelling her name countless of times,, only to meet face to face with the gentle looking spirit herself.

' please come in.' She said softly without asking anything ,, welcoming  the boy to come in her room. After He come in, he immediately collapsed on his knees,, sobbing continuously due to his despair.

'Sora! Is Mika a dragon spirit like she told me? I saw her crash into the yuna's room, and it seems seriously injured caused by the paper birds attacking her continuously!' His eyes dwelled with tears telling the spirit what just happened to his dear 'friend'.

Upon hearing that,, Sora's smile dropped to the information that her best friend got seriously injured by a powerful witch. Her face went pale as she knew the possible consequences if no one treats her in time. Her injuries are not a joke,, it can actually kill her. 'Mui.. think carefully,, which direction did she head to after crashing into your room?' 

After some careful reviewing of his memory. 'She headed south.' Muichirou said in an unsure tone, he has no idea why he is so worried about that injured dragon,, unless..

'Listen,, do not let go of my hand, unless I told you to do so.' Sora warned the human boy gently before activating her magic ,, carrying Muichiro with her in the air. 

'Wow, it is so high up there!' Muichiro gripped the snow spirit's hand tightly for his dear life when he realised how high they are up in the air right now. Crashing to the ground below isn't what he would like to happen next.

'I told you to not let go of my hand for a reason boy, hold on tight. We are near her.' The spirit girl chuckled lightly to his cute reaction. Warning him that they are near where mika is.


'Why are we at yubaba's room..?' Muichiro looked around to the familiar environment. Sora glared grimly at the door in front of them,, 'My mind told me so,, which my powers will never be wrong.' 

Opening the door,, they are instantly met with familiar wounded dragon,, blacked out on the carpet with blood seeping from its serious wounds. 'Just as I thought.. she was cursed by that old witch.' She slowly petted the dragon's face,, attempting to wake it up. With a painful grunt,, the dragon tried to open its eyes, which it miserably failed. Only to roll down to the endless stove. 'HOLD ON TIGHT!' Sora warned before both of them are riding on the dragon's back, falling into the dark.

A lot of dark shadows bubbled from the bottom,, wanting to reach out to the dragon. 'For Muichiro and sora.. fly MIKA FLY!' The injured dragon used all ounces of her strength to fly back upwards,, until it couldn't anymore, and crashed into the boilers room.

Bleeding from its mouth,, the dragon collapsed with a loud 'BANG' ,, before fully loosing its consciousness. 






1249 words (edited)

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now