The unexpected guest (2)✨

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'Tanjiro?! Nezuko?!' 


End flashback 

Muichirou's pov:

Are they real? What are they doing here? 

They seems to be clueless that they are now in great danger!

Oh no! I'm not a spirit and I can't help them.

Just then, I heard someone running behind me.

'Chiro kun!'A familiar voice rang.

'Mikki!' I managed to mutter out while Mikela back hugged me.

'I'm back!' Mikela smiled.

'Err... Etto...' Tanjiro asked with a big question mark floating above his head.

'May I ask who are you? Your presence don't feel like a spirit for me.' Mikela looked at the red haired male.

'Or you and your sister are a demon?'

'Oh no! I'm a human, why ask?' Tanjiro innocently asked.

Oh my gosh! I think Tanjiro don't know he is in big trouble now.

'Why are you two here? Leave immediately!' Mikela yells.

'The sun is setting, leave and don't come back!' A new voice joined.

'Haku? Why are you here?' I asked.

'Err guys?' I shuttered.

'Nii-san, can you bring both Nezuko and Tanjiro back to the bathhouse? Can they stay in your room for a while since it is too late for them leaving, the sun is already setting.'Mikela said.

'Or they will be in danger.'

'Err... ano.. why you know our names? Do I know you?' Nezuko is scared.

'Maybe? Anyway, let's talk later, or you two will be in big trouble!' Mikela saids.

'Good. Now follow me!' Haku grabbed the Kamado siblings hands and vanished.

'Mikki, etto...' I asked.

'Yes?' She smiles at me.

'Why are you save the human boy and girl that is taken by Haku?' I asked curiously.

'Oh, haha! It's since I know they are your friend! And the most important is, I'm friends with their ancestors!' Mikela smiles.

'Oh, I almost forgot that you can read minds... haha.' I laughed nervously.

'You will get used to it later, you just came back yesterday, right?' She laughs.

'I have to leave now, I have to work 15 minutes later!' I yelled and just I'm about to leave, Mikela grips my hand.

'Wait! Chiro, I have something to show you! So wait for a moment!'

'Yes?' I asked.

'Here, do you remember what is it?' Mikela pulled out a familiar hankie out of her pocket.

'This is... my hankie? You are still keeping it?' I gasped.

I don't know that she still kept it with her, looks like she didn't forget me after I left two years ago.

'Of course, I kept it even I go on a mission!' Mikela grins.

I'm so happy that she kept it with her the whole time! I jumped up and hugged her. She hugged back and patted my shoulders.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now