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Flashback ⚡️

'Excuse me, Sora, but are you two a thing?' Hiroshi joked.

'' I stuttered.

Hiroshi looked at Haku.

'Is Sora true....?' He said suspiciously.

'' Haku stuttered with a bright red face.

'Come on! I know you two are!' Hiroshi laughed.

'How?!' Haku and I said at the same time.

'The way you look at each other.' Hiroshi grins.

'Haku, you better not make my little sister sad... or else..... say goodbye to your precious neck!' Nii-chan threatens.

'H...h...h...h..hai!' Haku stuttered again.

'Haha, Baka is so cute!' I laughed.

'I'm not! You will regret it!' Haku laughed.

'Try!' I teased, although I know I won't have a good ending.

'Try m...' I was shut up by Haku kissing me roughly.

'Mhmmmm.' My voice was muffled.

'Eww! Get a room!' Hiroshi covered his eyes.

'Wait Nii-chan, I still have to prepare your bath!' I suddenly remembered why I am here.

'Sora, have you seen my old uniform?' Haku asked.

'Didn't give them to Mui?' I am now confused.

'Ahh, yes! I forgot. Better get back to work!' Haku ran out of the room quickly and almost slipped.

'Your boyfriend is so clumsy.' Hiroshi chuckled.

'Anyway, let me get your bath ready.' I laughed.












Hiroshi: Hey Sora! Do I still need to take part of your dance class?

Sora: (grinned evilly)Ahh! I almost forget! The class starts tomorrow!

Hiroshi: Oh No! Please no!

Sora: No turning back!

Hiroshi:(Ready to be tortured tomorrow) (thought) Oh No! I regret asking her!


End flashback 

Mikela's pov:

At last! Working time is over! Which means I can see Muichirou!

'Mikki!' A familiar voice shouted.

'Sora! I waited for you the whole day!' I whined.

'Haha, this is a part of my work, so of course I'm late!' Sora grinned.

'How can you even grin now?! You looked like a blob of jelly. Like you will fall over at every second, are you ok?' I asked.

'Yes, I am. Where are the Kamados?' Sora asked.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now