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Muichirou's pov:

'It is time for bed, Muichirou!' Mikela smiles.

'I don't wanna sleep yet, can you accompany me for a while please?' I used my famous puppy eyes to beg her (the one I used when I was scolded by my parents and siblings)

'Alright, alright! Just awhile, big baby.' Mikela smirked.

'I'm not a baby.' I pouted.

Why did she say I am a baby? Do I really look like one?

'You are, your face is far too cute!' Mikela grinned.

'Hey, don't make fun of me!'

'I didn't'

'You did'

'I didn't'

'You did!'

'I didn't!' 

'YOU DID!' I yelled.

'You win this time, Muichirou. Actually, I just wanted to use my magic to make my voice one hundred times louder.' Mikela giggles.

'Hey, it is cheating!' I pouted.

'Haha, it is not! My magic is far too strong!' Mikela grins.

'I bet your nii-san will be better than you.' I smirked.

'Oh, maybe a bit? He is very lazy to study magic... lol, and my parents always scolded him about that.' Mikela says teasingly.

'Can I meet your parents one day?' I asked.

Mikela immediately frowns and got tears eyed.

Oh no, I think I shouldn't asked her, she looks very upset.

'I'm sorry I asked. You don't need to answer me. Mikki.'I comforted.

'No, it's ok, I can tell you,' Mikela said with a frown.

It definitely don't look ok to me?!:(

'They are in a better place. Since they left me and my brother, we have came and work here, since no one take care of us.' Mikela looks sadder.

'Im so sorry to hear that.' I patted her shoulder to comfort her.

She hugged me and buried her head in my body chest.I hugged her back and rubs circles on her back.

'I think that you can see your parents one day, right?' I comforted.

'Yes...w..e...w...i...l...l...' Mikela is now lack of words. She don't want Muichirou to see her sad.

'Can you promise me that you will never leave my side again? Mikela asked.

How can I answer this? I know that the spirit world is far too dangerous for me to live, I can die anytime there. I can live forever, unless I...

'I really want to promise you but I can't, since the spirit world is very dangerous. I won't know when will I die, I'm sorry..' I smiled sadly.

'But I can promise you one thing,' I continues.

'What?' Mikela asked out of curiosity.

'I can promise that I will stay with you forever, till I die.' I promised.

'Thankyou, chiro.' Mikela smiles.

'Looks like I have a new name;)' I smirked .

'Yes, you do!' Mikela grins and pinch my cheek.

'Hey, Mikki, it hurts!' I karate chop Mikki's arm playfully.

'I don't care, your cheeks are so squishy!' She squealed.

'But I won't do it if you hate it.'

'Yes, I hate it! Don't do it again or I'll punish you!' I added with a laugh.

Suddenly, Mikela have a horrified look on her face after she looked at the clock, I was about to ask her why but when I want to open my mouth and speak, Mikela yells and it scared me.

'Oh no! It is already so late! I will become dead meat if nii-san is here and you have to work tomorrow, you remember?'

'Ahh, yes! Oh shoot! How can I forget?' I yelled.

'Then go to sleep right now!' Mikela screamed.

'I don't wanna, I'm not tired yet!' I pouted.

'Don't forget that I can read your mind! I will know if you are lying! Go to sleep right now, or not I'll be very angry!' Mikela says gently with a hint of threat.

Honestly, I'm very tired. But I'm scared that it is just a dream. I don't want to go back again and I want to live here forever.

'But I'm scared!' I admitted.

'Scared of what? Chiro?' Mikela asked.

'I'm scared that it is all a dream, when I wake up, I'll be in my bed again. I don't want to leave the spirit world!' I said with my signature big puppy dog eyes.

'Ok, I understand. I'll prove it to you that it is not a dream. Happy?' Mikela smiled.

'Yes...' I said with a sleepy tone.

Mikela uttered a few words and suddenly, my body aches and I can't move.

'Oww! It hurts, what did you do to me?!' I yelped.

'Ohh, it is a spell that will make your muscles really hard like a rock and you are not able to move.' Mikela explains.

'But... can you stop please... it hurts like hell!' Muichirou almost screams.

'Oh no! I forgot.' Mikela immediately stopped and finally the pain in my body is gone.

Ahh, at last. It is really not a dream. But why can't Mikela cast another spell?

'Ok, let's sleep then. If you are not scared.' Mikela teased.

I quickly lay on the tatami, with Mikela beside me.

'Besides, I'm so glad!' Mikela looks at me with the lights off.

Now I have a ton of question marks in my head.

'I'm so glad that you wear my earring I gave you since i think you won't do that.' Mikela smiled.

'But why?' I asked in a whisper.

'Since boys don't really wear earrings.' Mikela continues.

'Actually, I only have one side pierced..' I corrected.

''Still though.' Mikela continues.

'But my brother think I'm rather weird.' I added.

'Oh.. you mean Yuichiro?' Mikela asked.

'Yes. He is now studying in England since he don't want to study in Japan.' I sighed.

'I missed him a little.' 

'Do you miss your friends?' Mikela asked.

'え?' I froze.

'Maybe a little. Especially Tanjiro. He is my best friend!' My eyes sparkled.

'Actually, do you want to go back?' Mikela suddenly asked.

I don't know how to answer her, help!

'I don't know how to answer. I really want to stay here with you and Sora, but I also miss my human friends.' I sighed. When I was about to say more, I heard Mikela screaming.


'Good night then.' I  yawned and closed my eyes and dozed to sleep.

'Good night, chiro.' Mikela said and slept.


Author chan: Hope they have a good start tomorrow. Hope Muichirou will work well after resting today!

Muichirou and Mikela: (Snore...)

Author chan:(whisper) Good night..😴😴😴

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