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Mika's pov:

That boy, I told him to go.

But I can still feel his presence around, where is he?

I shall find him before he is in real grave danger!

Don't tell me that he didn't know where he is.

He is i the spirit realm!

And he can be devoured by the shadow creatures or the strong spirits anytime.

Strange, wait a second, why do I care about him that much?

Isn't he just a plain human boy that looks like a girl.

But interesting, whenever I think about him, something told me that I had already met him in the past.

Oh, I guess I should find him now, before something bad happens later.


No one's pov:

Muichirou cried silently in a corner when Mika is finding him. 

He has never felt that weak before, his shaking figure is now almost transparent.

 He think he will disappear from this universe ... when someone touched his shoulders. It's Mika, she find him at last.


Mika's pov:

Ahhh! There you are, human boy... no, it's muichirou. 

Wait, why do I know his name? 

Ugh! Fuck this stupid spell!

I don't remember anything in the past.

Oh what?!He is fading away, just like I have imagined. Every human will start to fade away, after dusk, the magic in this realm started to work, it is to get rid of those pesky humans.

How can I help him? Oh wait a second, I have some leftover mint candy yesterday 

Plus, I remember my master once said that eating some food from our world will help the human live.

I don't wanna share my candy, but I guess I have no choice. I walked over the human boy, without him noticing.

'Go away!' Muichirou says sadly and wants to swat away my hand.

'I have come here to help you.' I calmly said.

' I said no!' Muichirou shouted, and he want to push me away. He didn't succeed, since he is almost transparent and his arm passed my torso, like what a ghost would do.

Muichirou looks scared, so I continued,

'Eat this, then you won't disappear' I said, hoping he will listen to me. He just confused and I said,

'Eat this candy or else you will disappear forever.' then, I shoved it into his mouth.

'Chew it slowly and breath'

When muichirou is done swallowing the candy, I praised him.

'Good boy.'

It feel so weird when I'm praising him. 

Why did I have a feeling about I just praised a dog?

'Now try and touch my palm,' I continued while I moved my hands in front of him.

He smiled in delight as he is now more and more visible.

'I can feel it !' Muichirou said, with a small smile, making me smile too.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now