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Flash back


Haku's pov:

What is she to me?

I think Sora is like the person that I put in my second place.

I think her smile is very pretty! The second prettiest smile I see in my life.

Wait?! Why did I think of that?

Now, the most important is...

What do Sora think of me?

(Ara Ara.... seems like Haku admits that the fact he likes Sora, teehee.)

(Haku:Hey author nee-san! )


(Haku:Do you know that if Sora likes me too?)

(Author:I cannot read her mind ! You can read the following chapter and find out yourself.)

(Haku: Ahh, yes! And reader(s), remember to read the chapter bellow!)


No one's pov:

'Errr, ano... why there is sudden silence?' Muichirou asked, not realising what is happening a few minutes ago. He is busy daydreaming and looked at the clouds.

Mikela nugged Muichirou's arm.

'Shh! Do you see that the two of them are thinking something?' Mikela whispered in Muichirou's ear.

'What are they thinking?' Muichirou asked out of curiosity.

'I don't know! Normally, I can read minds of everyone, but I cannot do that to them since they are both very powerful spirits! Their parents (also Mikela's) are one of the most powerful spirts in the entire spirit world! I can do it to the people that are lower class than me, but definitely not Sora and nii-san.' Mikela widens her eyes while saying that.

'Is it means that your brother and you are one of the most powerful spirits in the whole world?' Muichirou asked, he cannot believe that what he just heard!

'Yes, and we won't die unless we are killed by someone. But we aren't easy to kill!' Mikela said proudly.

'It may be rude. But may I ask how old are you?' Muichirou asked again.

'My physical age is 13!' Mikela smiled.

'And my real age is...19 980!' 

'What?! You are that old? But you doesn't look like a granny!' Muichirou pouted and Mikela hit his head softly(p.s. both Mikela and Haku like to hit heads the most. It proves they are really siblings! Lol 😂)

'Oww! It hurts!' Muichirou yelped, rubbing his head.

'You Baka, low life creatures! Since we are spirits, we can change our looks! We can change in every age we want! If you want me to look like 2 years ago, I can!' Mikela saids with a smile.

'Hey, this is the punishment that you hit my head and calling me a low life creature.' Muichirou said angrily.

He hugged Mikela so tight, so tight that she can even breath.

'Mui, stop it!' Mikela laughed.

'Noooo, I'm going to eat you up!!!' Muichirou than kiss her cheek.

'Yum!' Muichirou licked his lips.

'Hey! Don't you forget that we are here? It is the third time you forget me!' Sora laughed.

''Omg, not again...' Muichirou reddens his face.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now