(Truth or dare) Ch. 32✨

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First, I want all of you know why Nezuko thinks Hiroshi is familiar, not just because he is Sora's older brother.

The truth you all are waiting forever ✨


Flashback when Tanjiro is 8 and Nezuko is 7


'Oto san, are we really going wild camping here? The forest looks so deep.' The smaller version of Nezuko tugged her father's shirt.

'I'm scared, can't we just go back?' Tanjiro trembled.

'Sweetie, we just got here, why don't we go in?' Kie said while patting nezuko and Tanjiro's head.

'Hmmp! Fine!' Nezuko held her Nii-chan's hand tightly.

'How absolutely nice of you, sweetie.' Kie looked at Tanjiro.

'As long as Nezuko is going, I am coming too! I want to protect my imoto!' Tanjiro laughed.

'Oya- if I am right, is Tanjiro a over protective brother?' The kid's father piped in.

'Oto san...' Tanjiro blushed in embarrassment.

'No, we are really proud of you, Tanjiro my boy.' Tanjuro (as known as Tanjiro's dad) patted his son's head with a proud smile.

'Nii-chan will protect me!' Nezuko squished her face on Tanjiro's arm.

'Good girl.' Tanjiro smiled at his little sister's cuteness.

Time skip✨

'Nii-chan, look! There is a really cute butterfly!' Nezuko looked at the blue butterfly 🦋 

'It is flying away!' Nezuko ran after it, hoping to catch it for herself.

'Wait! Nezuko!' Tanjiro shouted while running behind her imoto.

'I almost catches it.. ahh!' Nezuko suddenly tripped and fell down. The butterfly immediately took this chance and flew away.

'I think I lost it.' Nezuko looked at the ground with teary eyes.

'It's ok, Nii-chan will catch you one for Nezuko in the future, ok?' Tanjiro smiled.

'Wait a second... where is mama?' Nezuko suddenly blurted out.

'Where am we? Where is mama and papa??' Tanjiro looked around, suddenly realised that his parents aren't near.

'Nii chan, are we lost?' Nezuko sobbed.

'I think so.' Tanjiro hugged his trembling sister.

'I want mama!' Nezuko wailed.

'Shh, Nii-chan will stay with you, don't worry.' Tanjiro comforted, but he failed.

'Wahhhhhhhh' Nezuko broke down into tears.

'Shh, it's ok. Nii-chan will find mama as fast as he can, promise?' Tanjiro held up his pinky.

'But I want mama now!' Nezuko stubbornly cried.

'...' Was Tanjiro's only words.


Hiroshi's pov(child version:

Ah ha. What a nice day. 

After some hard training, resting here is like paradise!

I just hope training is not that tiring.

(Yes, that's right. Hiroshi is actually a forest spirit, just like his sister Aira. And now the Kamado's are in Hiroshi's forest camping)

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