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Today, I hope you will serve a customer , Nezuko.' Yubaba said.

'I will do whatever you say, madam.' Nezuko responded.

'Good. Now, meet Hiroshi, the forest spirit.' Yubaba introduced.

'Ehh?' Nezuko look at the person with shocked eyes.

Somehow, the face of the spirit was familiar, she thinks she had seen him before, but













(Whoa, look what happen next!) 


End flashback 


Ryu's(Sora's) pov:

'Hey, Lin! Do you have any idea that where Nezuko is now?' I asked.

'Yes, I think she is now at the entrance, but why?' Lin looked at me, confused.

'I have something to tell her.' I replied.

'Thank Lin!' 

'You are welcome?!' Lin was still confused.

'Nezuko, here I come!' I thought.

Time skip!

'I see her now!' I thought.

'Nezuko!' I shouted, causing her to jolt back.

'Ryu, it is just you... you scared me!' Nezuko smiled and hugged me.

Aww, this little girl can't be cuter!

Wait a sec, there is a boy next to her. Why did his eyes look like me?!

No, it is the same as mine!

How weird.

I think I have seen him before, but when and where?

'Hey! Why don't you two come in? We prepared the baths for you.' I politely said to Nezuko and Hiroshi, wait










Why did I even know his name?!

Did I possibly






When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now