First day of work✨ (Ch.27)

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'But I am telling you a secret.' Ryu suddenly whispered.

'What is it?' Nezuko asked curiously.

'It is about Mikela and Mui kissed in front of me for three times. They forgot I'm there the whole time, how funny!' Ryu let out a little chuckle.

'Pfft, I didn't imagine that Muichirou Nii will do 'it' in front of someone.' Nezuko giggled.

'I can't wait to tell Nii-chan about it!' Nezuko grinned evilly.

Uh oh! It doesn't look good.

Now be more careful in front of the Kamado siblings, Muichirou.

Have fun! Bhwahahahahaha(evil laughter)

Wish you good luck with the two of them, bro


End flashback ✨

After they are at the first floor :


Nezuko's pov:

Wow! This is so enormous here!

SUGOI!!!!!(in case you don't know, this mean great)

There are so many baths for customers, i bet there are tons of customers here!

I hope Nii-chan is doing well.

'Ryu nee-san, are we there yet?' I whined.

'Not yet... Ahh! I see her, LIN!!!' I heard her shout.

A tall female wearing a red uniform and long brown hair run towards us.

'Hey Lin! This is Nezuko, we will work together today, since she don't know what to do.' Ryu introduced.

I looked up and smiled.

'Hi, my name is Nezuko and my Nii-chan is Tanjiro, he is working at the counter.' 

'Oh, I am Lin. And I suppose you are Mui's friend.' She looked down.

Is there anything wrong with that?

'Don't worry, girl. Mui's friends are my friends too.' She smiled.


'Lin, I am taking her to the yuna's room pick her uniform. We will be back soon.' Ryu said while pulling me away.

'Ok, come back fast!' Lin said and she got back to work.

Time skip.... at the yuna's room:

Wow! The balcony shows a great view!

I was dozing off while Ry.... Sora nee-san was picking a uniform for me...


'Nezuko, try this uniform, see if you can fit?' Sora took a red  uniform and gave it to me.

'Oh, this one is just right! Thank you, Sora nee!' I squealed.

'Ok, now go and change out your clothes. We are going to work now.' Sora patted my head

'Yes madam!' I pretended to be serious.

Sora and I laughed my hearts off.

Time skip again

After Nezuko changed in her uniform 


When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now