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No one's pov:

'Okay, Mui follow me.' Mika said in a emotionless tone.

'Okay...'Mui said .

'Huh? Isn't she Mika? She's- completely different? At least to me, right?' Mui thought after replying the girl.

*After a few minutes*

The spirit and human boy are in the lift, heading down .

Mika stand next to Mui, like she don't even know him.

'Mika, why- ..' Mui started.

Mika growled and shook her head.

'Don't talk too much! And address me as Master Mika.' Mika said monotone like.

'Ehh? Who is she?' Mui thought while keeping his mouth shut.

He don't know why Mika suddenly changed and treated him as a stranger in the bathhouse.

How could it be? 

There must be some reasons.


'It couldn't be the same person, maybe mika have a twin that her name is the same as hers?' Mui thought, while his brain was filled with questions marks.

At last, they are at the ground floor. When Mui followed Mika down stairs, all the workers immediately stopped working and glanced the human.

'You want to let a human work with us, don't you' the toad in the counter spoke with a laugh, treating it like a joke.

'There is no turning back. He has already signed a contract with yubaba.' Mika rolled her eyes, annoyed by the workers.

All the workers exchanged glances, 

'What?!' They all uttered.

'Are you joking?!' The toads croaked in disbelief.

'Do u think I'm that kind of people who jokes around like that.' Mika looked at them menacingly, making them shiver.

'Don't send that human to us, it will just  stink up all our place!' The yunas  said in disgust while the others wrinkled their noses.

'You can make cook it, make it wash your clothes, or clean anything you want.' Mika speaked with a cold glare.

'What?! Is she referring to me?' Mui thought.

'Ewww...' the yunas made a face

'Anyways, where is Lin?' Mika asked as she looked around the room.

'You want to me to take human to me don't you?' Lin raised her brow and everyone snickered.

'I thought you always wanted a helper?' Mika said monotonely.

'Yes, yes, Lin is the most suitable.' The toads cackled.

'Eww-Fine!'Lin scoffed while she walked towards the room.

'Following Lin,  human. Be quick! I have work to do!' Mika said and left in a second.

'She- disappeared? How?' Muichirou day dreamed.


'HELLO? I said come in!' Lin raised her voice towards Muichirou.

'Hai!' Muichirou sweat dropped before going in.


Muichirou's pov:

*In the corridor*

'Not gonna lie, but you did very well out there.'Lin offered her praise to muichirou.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now