Ch.19✨ (Edited ver.)

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Sora's pov:

What? Haku likes me?

I remember he always hit me in my head.

He always teased me with my height when we were kids.

And he always make me cry.

But we haven't seen each other for two years. Two while years dude(referring to Haku)

Two years! I missed him very much.

I can't concentrate in my missions because of that boi!

And even master always scold me about that.

Now, everyone leaves me.

My parents are dead centuries ago and my brother is missing too.

The demon killed my parents . I really want to take my revenge to my family.

It took away me everything.

But after I know which demon killed my family, I am  shocked.

I found out that the ones who killed my whole family is a really strong demon ,

I cried so hard since I'm very angry, why do demons keep on hurting us?Why? Did we do anything wrong?

Even my parents are powerful spirits also can't stand that.

But, strange, why didn't I die that day?

Did someone saved me?

And only me and nee san survived.

Not long time ago, I found out the answer.

I was a human, I am a made spirit.And my parents who died centuries before aren't my real parents.

I wasn't born to be a spirit, like Haku and her sister.

So that's why I am not as powerful as them...

After I know the truth, I am very shocked.

 My heart hurts.

In this world, no one is my real family. 

Except the nigihaiyami siblings and muichirou, all my love ones are gone. I suppose my human parents are gone too, since it is now centuries after I have turned  into a spirit, although I forgot all stuff about the human world. All my friends said that I will remember one day, but that day didn't come.

When I was little, everyone played with me since I look cute.

Not because I am nice.

My heart hurts so much.

Why no one really loves me?

In this world, no one is my real family, no one!



After Haku confessed, I am shocked.

I don't know that someone will care about me a lot.

I do even know that someone will like me.

When Haku kissed me, I felt that my tears were broken down.

I can't stop them.

After a few seconds, Haku broke the kiss to breath.

He touched his face. It is wet with some sort of hot liquid.

He is shocked when he saw me crying.

'Are you ok, sorry. But I want to do this for a long time..' Haku sounded sad.

'No... it is just... I'm so happy, so happy that someone cared about me. I thought that no one cared about me... my whole family were killed centuries ago and.... no one... cares about me.. I have no family...' I continue to cry.

'Hush, don't cry. You know that my sister cared about you so much. I think Muichirou cared about you. The whole bathhouse cared about you. And the best of all... I really cared about you..You have us! We are always here for you. I bet the human even think of you!' Haku cuddled and comfort me.

'And, Sora. A family don't really need to be blood related, most importantly, there must be love in the family. Everyone in the bathhouse is your family, I think we are all family.'

'H...a...k...u..' I cried and hot tears rolled down my cheeks. I have not cried for a very long time, so I completely forgot how it feels like.

'Baka, thankyou!' I cried again.

'My name is not Baka.' Haku teased.

I still cried and I felt a pair of large hands started to wipe my tears away.

'Don't cry. It doesn't suit you but smiling does.' Haku comforted.

'Ahh, Sora! Congratulations!' Suddenly a new voice cut in.

That voice... isn't it belongs to Muichirou?

'Muichirou ?' I asked.

'Don't you dare to forget me!' Another voice cut in.

'Even Mikki?' I gasped.

'Surprise!' Mikela smiled.

'Finally, we got our revenge! Tee hee.'
Muichiro laughed.

'Muichiro, Mikki!'I screamed.

'How dare you?!'

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now