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No one's pov:

Muichirou took quite a long time to get the snow spirit to her room, as you see, he isn't that familiar with the bathhouse's equipments, let alone leading someone to a certain room.

Luckily, the girl is very patient, she always kept on a calming smile, and kept on telling Mui that it doesn't matter, saying that she is free, so there is nothing to rush. The boy is really grateful that his first customer is someone really kind, and understandable.

'Room 203, 204, 205.. finally! We are here. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.' Muichirou bowed, as he truly feel bad about it.

'Heyy, I said that it's fine! All I have is time, so it doesn't matter.' The spirit smiled sweetly as she entered her room. 'Ah! How rude of me? I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Akashi Sora! The spirit of snow, and it's so nice to meet you.' Sora bowed politely as she introduced.

'Wow! She is so kind.. she doesn't need to do that.' Mui thought, spacing out. Suddenly a cold snowflake slowly landed on the tip of his nose, the coldness made him snap back to reality. 'I'm so sorry! My name is Muichirou , and it's nice to meet you too!' The human boy bowed back with respect.

'So you are human?' The girl walked closer to muichirou, causing him to flinch a little bit and nodded cautiously. 'You reminded me of chihiro!' She grinned happily, leaving Muichirou confused.

'Hey.. who is chihiro?' Mui asked out of curiosity.

'The human who stumbled to the spirit world months ago.' Sora smiled as she looked through the window with dreamy eyes.

'I was supposed  to work with Haku that few days, but sadly, since I have something more important to deal with, I left my shift, and missed the chance to meet her.' She sighed.

'Haku? Is he mika's older brother?' Mui widened his eyes, after hearing the mention of a familiar name.

'Yes, his sister and I are best friends, since childhood!'Sora grinned at the mention of his name, and suddenly snapped out of it. 'Hold on- how do you know the both of them?' Her mouth dropped.

'Mika... she is the one who saved me from fading away when I first stepped inside this world.' Muichirou answered, still confused about what's going on.

'I missed her so much... ever since she left, I never really got to see her again.' Sora signed sadly, shaking her head. 'But maybe I can meet her here!' The spirit smiled all of a sudden, scaring Muichirou.

'Ah.. I hope you can meet her soon then ! Now I am going to prepare your bath, please wait for a while here.' Mui said, making his way to the bathroom.

'Wait a second Muichirou! Before go, I have something to give you, as a thank you.' The spirit girl smiles, warming up Muichirou's heart.  'It is some sort of medicine that can save you from danger, since the spirit world can be extremely dangerous,'Sora explains while handing Mui a snowflake shaped box carefully. 

'Thank you! You don't have to do this.' Muichirou smiled gratefully as he is now preparing her bath.


At the yuna's room:

'Ahhh, Sora is so nice! Hope she can meet mika one day!' Mui smiled as he is eating his dinner, still thinking about the snow spirit.

'Hey, what are you thinking Mui? Is it about Mika again?~'Lin teased with a smug grin.

'Part of it, I miss Mika .. and yea,  I met Sora today and served her. She is very nice to me! And didn't  avoid me like others do and chatted with me happily!'  Mui grinned, as he mentioned Sora.

'Yes..She is a nice spirit, and believes that not all humans are bad! I hope I have a chance to see her before she leave, since I haven't seen her in like, centuries.'  Lin sighed  and looks up at the night sky.

'I hope I can serve her again too! I really wonder what mika is doing right now.' Mui thought as he is gazing at the moon hazily.

'That girl is probably doing some of yubaba's dirty work again. Anyways, I suppose she will be back tomorrow morning, so don't worry about her.' Lin told the younger boy, and walked towards her tatami.

'Ok, I guess we should have some sleep now, good night!' Lin yawned, when her head touches her pillow, she is dead asleep.

'Good night and sleep well...' Mui said softly as he is also very sleepy, after all those work he did today.


 Muichirou's pov:

Slowly, I adjusted to the morning sun bit by bit, and sat up. Eh? Why is the room so quiet? It's kinda weird here when I'm all by myself.

I wonder where everyone left? Have I really woke up that late? I don't think so..?

What should I do now-

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming up, and slammed  the rice paper door open hardly, it's Lin! What is she doing here? 

'Lin, where is everyone?' I asked, looking around the room for someone else.

'Mui! There is a really big hearted customer right now, and it give us a lot of gold that we want, would you like to come and take some too?'  Lin beamed as she talked, and offered Muichirou to get some together.

'Not really, thank you . I'm not that fond for gold.' I shook my head while wrinkling my eyebrows, clearly not wanting to go. 

'It's up to you! Bye! I'm leaving.' Lin said and left Muichirou alone there.

'Hmm, I wonder when Mika will come back? Things become boring when she is not here.' I thought as I opened the balcony, letting the sun light bounce in.

Ahhh~ the sunlight is really smoothing, and warm too! I wish I can be here all day, resting under the sun.

*squawk squawk*

Is this- a bird? No! I can hear a lot of birds coming in our way, so should I be happy about that, or not..?

All of a sudden , hundreds of paper like birds are attacking something, so I have a hard time to find out what they are doing. Slowly, a figure of a bloodied dragon showed up.

Wait! Isn't that the dragon I saw  before on the bridge?

The paper birds looks really furious when they attack the dragon.. what happened?


Should I go out and save it?







(Word count: 1044)

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now