Dance class( Ch.31✨)

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Sora: Nii-chan, stretch your legs more, they are like rocks!

Hiroshi:Owwww! Stop parting my legs.

Sora: Not until you can do a full split!(grins evilly)

Haku:(thought) 🤦‍♂️ Oh No...

Muichirou:Hey Sora! I did it! I did the middle split and the side split just like what you say!

Sora: Wow! You can do it within 5 minutes! This is so impressive! Look, Nii-chan, even Muichirou is better than you!(smirked)

Hiroshi:(thought) I envy you, Muichirou. Owwww! It hurts so bad, how can he even do it?! Aghhhh!

Nezuko: Muichirou nii is really the best. Now, let me teach you how to finish this skill!

(Uneven bars)

Muichirou:Aww, thanks Nezuko.

Tanjiro: Sora! Did I pass?(panting)

Sora: You improved a bit. Just straighten your legs a bit more.

Tanjiro:(Wut?!) Owwwwww

(Looks like the spirit boys and Tanjiro is hopeless, hope they are still alive after the class.

They looked like they will die any second. Wish them good luck by surviving by the tornement of the girls. Well.....)


Girls: Do you have any last words?

Boys: (Trembling )....

Just kidding, lol. No need to be scared, boys.

Let's get back, guys.

End flashback 


At dusk


After class

Muichirou's pov:

'Phew! The training is sure tiring. But I think I improved my dancing skills!'I thought.

'Haku, Hiroshi san, are you alright?' Tanjiro looks worried.

I looked towards the Male spirits, what i saw  just made me jump up a little.

Haku was now pale as a ghost, his limbs were trembling since pain. 

Hiroshi looked a lot worse, he have black and purple bruises all over his body. Probably been tortured by his younger sister. He has stars all above his head since he was really dizzy now.

'Heh.....heh.... we are alright...' Hiroshi laughed before he fainted.

'Yes, bro is right...' Haku gave us all a thumbs up before fainting.

'Hiroshi san, Haku san. Oh my! Let's take them back to their bedrooms!' Nezuko said while patting Hiroshi's cheeks(testing if he is alive or not), just a look on her face can tell that she was worried about them.

'No need to take care Nii-chan, he will be fine.' Mikela laughed.

'And mine too, you can just leave them here.' Sora smiled evilly.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now