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It's edited ^^, so yes, this chapter is different than before 

After Muichirou got back.

Not surprisingly, he got a whole lecture all night from his twin brother Yuichiro.

Most importantly, muichirou is a total genius! At least to me.

I don't even know how the hell that he can persuade the old grumps to go with him to the river the next day.

Folks, give him a round of a clause!

Ok, it's late now.

Let's see each other next morning *yawn* good night.


The next day~

It was so peaceful in the Tokito's house hold.



The alarm clock ringed.

Immediately, Yuichiro threw it on the floor and clover his ears.

'Gah! What's that noice?! It's so so annoying. Shut up, stupid alarm.'He grumbled, waking muichirou, who was just next to him.

'Good morning bro, didn't you forget what you promised me yesterday?' Muichirou smirked.

Yuichiro immediately growled.

'Wow! You are so sly! Come here u little-' Yuichiro jumped out of bed.

'Haha! Too late bro, you are coming with me!' 

'I can't believe I agreed to do this with that brat.' Yuichiro rolled his eyes while changing out his clothes.


Back at the river:

Do you remember the girl yesterday?

She is now sitting on her river, humming a song while admiring the sun.

*insert any song you like*

After humming, she looked at the blue sky, with a sad look in her eyes.

She looked down and sighed.

'Hey oni san, when will we see each other again? It has really been a while. I did keep my word, but did you even about the promise big brother?' 

She walked out of the river and shook her hair.

Trying hard to memorise what happened seven years ago-

What exactly happened seven years ago:

'Oni chan!' The dark haired girl hugged her brother's arm, whining.

The green haired male simply groaned and let his younger be,

'Mikela, I have work to do. I would appreciate it if you can keep quiet for just a few minutes.' He sighed.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now