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The next morning:

'Good morning Haku......' Muichirou mumbled when he got up the following morning.

And he saw Haku's tatami is already neatly folded up. Muichirou assumed that Haku went to his river .

Then he looked at the clock.

'OH NO!!! IT IS ALREADY 7:50AM! I ONLY HAVE 10 MINUTES TO WASH UP! I MUST BE QUICK, OR NOT, I WILL BE LATE FOR WORK!!!!' Muichirou yelled while changing into his work clothes.

After brushing his hair in a high ponytail, he ran down stairs to the boilers room.

Time skip

Muichirou's pov:

Ahh, I'm at the boiling room in time!

And I saw Sora waving at me, along with Nezuko and my best friend Tanjiro.

'Hey! Muichirou! You are just in time!' Sora chuckled.

'Ahh, yes. I'm sorry for waking up late.' I scratched my nape and laughed.

'Nono, it's ok! At least you are here now. I need you to bring the Kamado siblings to Yubaba's to sign a contract for a job.' Sora smiled.

'Ok...wait, What?!Tanjiro, do you want to really do that?' I widens my eyes.

'Yes is there any wrong for that?' Tanjiro asked innocently, oh gosh!

'Of course, Yubaba will steal your name and you can never go home!' I screamed.

'Shhh, muichirou. You are waking everyone in the bathhouse.' Sora shushed me, but how can I be calm for this? I don't want my friends to be in danger! I don't want them to have the  same mistake as mine(forgetting my real name).

'Why would you do that?' I asked, not in a calm tone.

'Since we don't know that when the mirror will open again, and we want to stay with you too...' Nezuko fiddled her fingers. Oh my! They are really my best friends!

'How about your family?' I looked at them.

'We will think further about it, but now we don't have better options.' Nezuko said, pouting.

'If you say so ,Nezuko.' I sighed.

'Yayyy! Muichirou nii is the best!' Nezuko cheered and hugged me.

Tanjiro looked at me with jealousy.

I feel bad for him.

'Looks like you don't need me anymore, nezuko...' He pretend to mutter sadly.

Nezuko immediately ran to him and tackled him into a hug.

'Just, kidding! Nii- san, I'll always need you!' Nezuko smiled.

Aww, so sweet! But strange, why this sentence seems to be familiar?

When Muichirou was little✨

'Why do you spend too much time with Tanjiro?' Yuichiro looked sad, since his brother ignored him the whole day.

'He is my best friend! Nii san!' Muichirou jumped up and down.

'Why don't you go to him now?' Yuichiro frowned.

'Ehh, what are you talking about?' Muichirou looked at him.

'If you have Tanjiro as your best friend, I think you don't need me now.' Yuichiro looked at the floor.

'No! Nii-chan, I'll always need you!' Muichirou cried and hugged his twin.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now