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Muichirou's pov:

'What can we do now? Mika is in great pain!' I yelled.

I really don't know why I cared about the spirit a lot, I tears almost fell out of my eyes. I'm soo scared right now, scared that I may lose my friend. I have lost my family, except Yuichirou. Now Yuichirou is a pig and I don't know if I could save him. There is no way I can lose mika, since it's enough! Why am I such a weak person? Why can't I just save the people I like from danger? I'm just useless ! But right now, I have to save Mika, she needs me, and Sora.I will do my best for you, I won't let anything to happen to you.

Wait! What did I just said?


Sora's pov:

Ahh, at last! I found the medicine the river spirit gave me! Yay, just hope this will help my bestie( this is how Sora called Mika)


No one's pov:

'Sora, quick! Please pass the medicine to me!' Muichirou yelled.

'Yes!' Sora answered back.

'This is.... the river spirit's medicine?' Kamaji widens his eyes.

'Mika , please open your mouth!' Muichirou cried, he cannot control his tears sliding down his face.

'Please, be a good girl!' Muichirou continued.

And he bites the medicine into little pieces.

'This will be easier to swallow, good girl!' Muichirou praises the dragon and clamping shut it's mouth.

'She is a good girl, the medicine tastes very bitter though.' Muichirou thought.

Suddenly, Mika vomits, it vomits a stamp.

A stamp with a toad on top. There is a black slug come out of it. When it see Muichirou, it started to escape.

'Quick! Mui! Kill it!' Kamaji yelled.

'Ugh, it's too fast. Muichirou thought while chasing that slug.

He finally stepped on it. 

'I did it!' Muichirou yelled.

'I will clean the mess later...' Kamaji said.

The dragon's scales slowly fade away, leaving it's human form.

'MIKA!!!'Muichirou screams and hot tears drops from his eyes(p.s. a lot of them dropped on Mika's cloths, so now, Mika's cloths are wet.)

He ran towards the body belongs to the person he (loves) and he hugs her.

Her white kimono is ripped and it is covered in dirt, it is also stained with blood. Muichirou cried even harder.

'MIKA! If you hear me, please answer me! Don't die!' Muichirou's tears dropped on a Mika.

'Ahhh, young love.' Kamaji sighs.

Sora nods  and ran over Muichirou and her bestie.

'Mika is not breathing!' Muichirou yells while his tears flow down his cheeks and landed on Mika's cloths.

'If she drink some of this, she'll promise be fine.' Kamaji said.

'If her brother can do that , she can do it too. She and her brother are both really powerful!' Kamaji claims.

'She will make it!' Sora said. She really want to cry now, but since she is in front of Muichirou, she should stay strong.

Muichirou slowly puts Mika's body on Kamaji's tatami. He is still crying, he can't stop. He is so scared that he will lose his friend(maybe the person he loves).

'Ahh, Mui , there you are!' A new voice cut in.

Muichirou immediately turn over his head.

'Yubaba is so angry with you! No face ate three people in the bath house. She need you to go to No face's guest room immediately.' Lin said.

'Here you are!' Kamaji suddenly said.

'This is the train tickets to the swamp bottom, zeniba's home.' He added.

'Remember to come back!' Sora said with a smile.

'I will.' Muichirou said with a smile, he finally stops crying.

Then he leans back to Mika and put his hand on her forehead.

'I'll go now. Don't die , please. I will do this for you, since I love you.' Muichirou says and whispers the last four words in Mika's ears.

'Are you coming?' Lin whins.

'Coming now.' Muichirou yelled back.

'Remember don't die!' Muichirou said once again to Mika, and he left.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now