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No one's pov:

Knock knock..

'Come in!' A old voice speaks and the door opened.

'Let's go in.' Muichirou nugged Tanjiro's arm and pulled the poor boy in. Nezuko trails at Muichirou's back.

'Oi, Mui. What brings you here again?' Yubaba looked up at Muichirou.

'I just want to  bring the Kamado siblings to sign for a job.' Muichirou said calmly.

Suddenly, Yubaba flew up and landed in front of Nezuko.

'Oi,girl. You looked weak. Like you will be blown away by the wind any minute.' She sneered.

'And you!' Yubaba turned to Tanjiro, ' Are you with that girly brat? You looked a lot stronger than her.'

'Miss? I don't know what are you talking about. She is my sister!' Tanjiro looked at Yubaba.

'Anyway, she looks like she is crying any second, she can be blown away by soft wind! She looks like a spoiled brat.' Yubaba shouted.

'Don't insult my sister!' Tanjiro looked furious, oh boy.

'Shut up you...' Yubaba started.

'BAM!' Someone slammed the door open. And everyone looked towards where the source of noice come from.

A giant baby stomped out of his room. That's right, he is Boh, Yubaba's son.

Boh looked towards his mother's direction and whined while rubbing his eyes.

'Mama! You are too loud, I'm trying to napnap!'

Just then, he saw his friend (muichirou)

At the same time, Muichirou looked towards the enormous baby.

'Boh?' Muichirou questioned.

'Mui!!!' Boh cheered , he ran to Muichirou and gave him a bone crushing hug that Mui didn't forget to hug back.

'Boh, is that you?' Mui questioned.

'Yes. Mommy! Mui is back.' Boh cheered happily.

Tanjiro and Nezuko shot Muichirou a questioning look.

'Tanjiro, I'll explain to you later.' Muichirou said as he winked at Nezuko.

'I'm sorry Boh, I will try to be quiet if' Yubaba shot eye daggers to Tanjiro.

Muichirou immediately knows what she was talking about,

'Uh oh, it doesn't look good..' He thought himself.

'Mama, who are they?' Boh pointed at the Kamado siblings.

'Oh, they are just humans that are Mui's friends, I think.' Yubaba sneered.

'Mama, why don't you employ them?' Boh looked at Yubaba with his famous big puppy eyes.

'I'm talking to them about this.' Yubaba patted Boh's head, hoping he will leave.

'No! Mama, please employ them!!'Boh pleaded again.

How can Yubaba resist the cuteness of her child? She finally gave in.

'Ugh, fine! Fine! Kamados, sign this contract please!' Yubaba grumbled.

'Yay, thank you Mama!' Boh cheered.

'Thank you Boh.' Muichirou whispered.

'Always, no problem. Mui!' Boh hugged the boy again.

'Ah, girl, your name is Kamado Nezuko. And you! Your name is Kamado Tanjiro, right?' Yubaba read their names.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now