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Nezuko's pov:

Wow, is that Mikela's room? It is so huge!

No wonder why she told us to sleep in her room earlier.

I am really happy for Muichirou, Mikela is a really nice person, even to us humans.

Mikela told us about the spirit world. I am shocked to know that we are now in a very dangerous place, there are demons, shadow spirits, spirits and a lot of immortal creatures.

She also told how she met Muichirou and his twin Yuichiro.

She is almost crying when she told us how Muichirou promised her to see her again two years ago, Sora saids that she was there when Mikela cries.

At last, she told us how Muichirou and her see each other again yesterday. We all laughed so hard when Sora told us Haku's expression that he saw a random human calling out his name.

At last, she asked us.

'Do you want to become a spirit?'

I looked at my brother, not knowing how to answer this question.

'Why did you ask?' I asked the girl with long black hair(Mikela).

'Since we don't know when the mirror will open up again. It usually open once each five centuries.' Sora explains before Mikela can answer.

'Mikki, am I right?' Sora asked.

'Yes, of course you are.' Mikela claims.

'Actually, I have a secret to tell you all.' Sora grins.

'What is it?'I really want to know!

'I was a human, I'm a made spirit.' Sora said and shocked me and my brother.

'It is a long story, let me tell you what I remember.' She smiled a bit bitterly.

I nodded since I really want to know her story.

(Let me tell you Sora's background story)

Sora's pov:

Centuries ago,i was a innocent child. I was six years old that day and I went off to play with my friends. I got lost in a big forest. I want to find my friends but I just ended up getting deeper and deeper inside the forest.

I saw a red tunnel and I thought that I can found my friends. But instead of seeing my friends, I saw a red tunnel in front of me, I got curious.

Hoping to find my friends, I crossed the red tunnel. Instead of her friends, I only saw a unfamiliar grassland in front of her, and of course, I was scared.

A beautiful spirit appeared in front of me.

The spirit is so beautiful and she really looks like a human. She have light green locks and navy eyes.

That's right, it is the forest spirit, Aira.

I was in good luck, Aira is a friendly spirit, she won't kill or eat humans like other spirit does. (actually almost all the spirits there hates humans and will harm them, or even eat them)

'Little child, why are you here.'

'I lost my friends!' Sora sobbed.

'Oh, I see! The sun sets! Oh no! Child, come with me!' Aira gasped and grabbed Sora's hand.

'Where are we going?' Sora asked innocently.

'To my place dear.' Aira replied.

'Nee-san, who are you?' Sora innocently asked

'Im Akashi Aira, the forest spirit.' Aira introduced.

'I think I heard this name before. But where?' Sora thought.

'Sora, quick! Go in there!' Aira whispered to her.

'Aira nee-san, why do you know my name?' Sora asked innocently.

' I knew you since you were born.'


'Sora, you don't have time! If you don't become a spirit now, you will die since there is a powerful demon out there!' Aira gasped when she sensed a demon is coming to her way.

Sora still don't know what to do when.....

When Aira shoved her blood inside Sora.

Sora immediately screamed of pain since her body was changing.

'Sorry, child. After you become a spirit, you will lose all memories of being a human and you will start all over again, at my family of forest spirits and the family of river spirits(the family of Haku and Mikela) Hope you can memorise your memories when you were a human one day.' Aira thought when Sora is changing.

Sora completely changed.

Her eyes changed to river green and her skin got a lot paler than before.

Strangely, her her brown hair has streaks of dark blue in it and snowflakes appeared in her eyes.

'Child, I think you are different, from now on, you are the snow spirit.' Aira smiled.

When will we see eachother again? Or we will? (Muichiro and female reader)Where stories live. Discover now