Slowly But Maturely

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"I'll become the Fifth Seat if you get rid of the contract."

"Hm. You must act as a proper representative of Central and act in Central's best interests. Surely you understand what that means?"

"Of course."

"You will not be in contact with any of the rebels and carry out your duties faithfully."

"Yes sir."

Azami put the pen down and looked at her with a smile.

"Welcome to the Elite Ten."


Unlike the others, Nakiri Azami quite likes the strange, new, and sudden change in Saiba Shiro.

Much more compliant, docile, and quiet.

It seems like his plans are proceeding just as planned, and his goal is getting closer and closer within reach. Once he gets rid of the rebels, everything will be under his fingertips.

As long as he has strict surveillance and control over the school, the rebels, and the media, no one would dare to go against his will.

"Do you remember our first meeting?"

There was a nod, followed by the sound of their footsteps.

"I remember you when you were so young, so small and fragile that you had an older boy beside you. Even so, you were still so energetic and outgoing. You even offered me a lollipop to cheer me up."

One walked ahead of the other, his hands behind his back with a gentle smile on his face.

"You may not remember, but it was a fond memory I treasure. To think that you grew up so quickly brings a tear to my eye. Saiba-senpai has raised you well." They stopped in front of a room and he brought out a key.

"We're here." An arm around her shoulders and he felt her flinch under his touch.

"Don't touch me." She instantly pulled away.

His smile never faltered as he led her into a very familiar dark room. He heard a short gasp of realization before she stilled.

"I see you get along with many of the other Elite Ten members and are learning many excellent skills with them. I'm glad you were able to fit in with us. However, even so, I want to ensure that your skills are worthy of the Fifth Seat."

Pretending and being are two different things.

"Now then, your father will train you to become the best."

Almost immediately, he put her to the test.

Servants brought in various carts full of premium ingredients, from local to exotic types. He saw her eyes widen before they turn into a calculating gaze.

He liked that look.

It looked as if she was thinking and calculating just what could she fit onto a plate. Sharp, keen, greedy, and there it was; her left eye slowly fading into a curious red.

It lasted for a short moment before they return to its striking gold. The same ones as his senpai and her brother.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked, and she looked at him with expectant eyes. By his request, she already brought her cooking tools, prepared to take on this training session he scheduled for just the two of them.

Azami was amused to see how unfazed she is by this whole ordeal. He is in fact still amazed at how much she changed since she joined Central.

Has he tamed her?

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