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"Soma! Come here, try out my new specialty-"

"Who's Shiro?"

He saw his mother freeze up slightly before a grin replaced it in a flash.

"Soma...were you listening in on our conversation?! You cheeky little man! You shouldn't do that! C'mon, your Mom made your favourite fried rice!"



"Oh hey Soma. Sorry, I have to rush, I'll explain everything to you later-"

Soma doesn't let her finish.

He grabbed her hand and stopped her. He pulled her back and she stumbled right into him.


She raised a brow, her face irritated and twitched. She let out a surprised gasp and then stared at him confused, shocked and perplexed.

"Whoa! What are you doing?"

Soma knew something was wrong when that man showed up. He knew something was wrong when she was leaving at night.

The brother knew there was more that he didn't know. There was more that his sister wasn't telling him. Once again, he felt weak and useless because he doesn't know how to help, how to comfort his sister without the truth.

"Soma, I really have to go. Besides you have to go to bed and rest. You worked really hard during the festival and you deserve a rest. It's late and-"

"Sis, stop." She blinked and she pushed away. But Soma wasn't letting her go so easily, at least until she gives him an explanation.

Why can't she trust him? Why can't she just tell him?

"Soma, I really have to go."

"Where are you going?"

"Erina's office." Soma widened his eyes. In some ways, he was happy that she at least told him where she was going. In some ways, that was an improvement. But he was still angry, he needed more than that.

He needed the why.

"Why would you go to where that guy...Nakiri's Dad-"

"Nakamura." His sister corrected him promptly and before he could ask, she sent him a glare that gave him chills down his spine. It was a rare look, in fact, he has never seen her eyes filled with so much...uncharacteristic emotions that did not suit her.

"Why would you go to where Nakamura-senpai is at!?" He corrected himself, and she heaved out a sigh before she slid off his hands. He then holds her hand gently.

Soma deserves to know these things.

She looked uncertain, doubtful and even confused too herself. But she gave him a small, reassuring smile.

"Erina needs me."

That was all she says. Soma waited for her to elaborate on what she meant, but she did not. She gave him a small smile before she lets go of his head and unexpectedly dashed off.

Of course he would chase after her. 

Of course he would want to know more.

For one man to scare Nakiri Erina, and his dear sister so much, then he could easily say that he was not a good person. Not even close to the previous headmaster.

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