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"Shiro, you can't just go up to strangers!"

"C'mon big brother! He looks so lonely and sad!"

Azami was snapped out of his depressing thoughts by too bickering kids in New York.

"I'm so sorry sir, we will leave-" The redhead easily dashed in front of him.

"Here you go mister!"

Azami then saw a bright grin and a...lollipop.


"Do you speak English? Hmm...I know!" Before he knew it, she blurted out many different greetings in other languages until he gave a nod when she spoke Japanese.

Not like he didn't know some English, but...in his current state, he rather not. He looked up at the redhead with a blank, empty look.

What an odd child.

"Nice to meet you mister! My name is Saiba Shiro! What's yours?"


He felt a jolt that awakened his entire body. His eyes enlarged in shock and sat straighter.

"Shiro! You don't introduce yourself to strangers! C'mon, we're going home to your Dad!"

"You smiled mister!" Azami saw a beautiful and pure smile from the little girl.

"Shiro!" He chuckled at how the male was having difficulty pulling her away. The female fought him with everything she got, punches, kicks and even head butts.

When he stood up from the bench, the two of them stopped instantly. Both had a small embarrassed look on their faces and the girl pouted stubbornly.

How adorable.

His saviour.

He knelt down to their height. The male clearly protecting the younger. But he didn't care, for now he knew of her existence, he swore to meet her again.

At last, he found his idol.

At last, he too found someone that could be a great friend to his own daughter.

"My name is Nakiri Azami. Nice to meet you, Miss Saiba."


"No way."












"No way am I joining! You definitely have something up your sleeve you snake!" Shiro didn't even hesitate to blurt out her opinion, and although Azami did expect some resistance, it was definitely not in such a brutally honest way.

His aide, Aida Shawn could not help but give a small chuckle in response and Azami would be lying if he did not feel slightly irritated.

Then again, it would be odd if she gave in so easily.

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