In the Midst of a Storm (1)

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Time doesn't wait.

And just like that, the fated day has come.

One who has waited for this day to fulfill his dream.

And the many others who have prepared for this very moment.

The Regiment de Cuisine.

Central vs. Rebels. The winners will determine the future of Totsuki and be marked in history.

But no one could've expected or predicted what happened on this day.


"You're a very talented girl, Nene. I mean, you can dance, you can do calligraphy and play so many instruments."

"T-Thank you, you're too kind."

"Not at all! I admire your dedication. Satoshi, you have a very good partner here."

Nene remembered the first time the brothers came over together. She occasionally saw the eldest through short glimpses, but never the two together. The younger stared at the instrument she played, a Taishougoto*, with sparkly eyes.

"Do you want to try?" He gave an excited nod before Nene handed it to him.

Not long after, the boy was able to play a few basic notes.

"Oh, wow, both of you are amazing." Ikki clapped for the two of them, and while one looked at the older with proud eyes, the girl felt outshined and jealous.

"Ikki, watch me do calligraphy!"

"Of course, Nene."

"Brother, I want to do it too!"

"Sure sure-"

"Watch me make soba!"

"Watch me cut eel! I remembered everything big brother Ikki taught me!"

"Woah champions! Calm down, one at a time please!"

Nene never felt more competitive in her entire life.


It's so loud.

The cheers, the chants, and the audience were just so loud.

Nene wondered if this was even necessary, to set up a stage to potentially humiliate the opposing team. For once, she and Saito held similar beliefs, where the least they could do is give the rebels an honorable battle.

Of course, such a thing would not happen since the Headmaster really wanted to eliminate the opposing team.

But all of this is bothersome.

Nene wouldn't have come if Isshiki Satoshi, her rival, wasn't here.

The Headmaster spoke to Nakiri Erina and Yukihira Soma before they agreed on the setup of the Shokugeki. 1 vs 1 setup, and 3 of them at the same time.

"So, who wants to go out in the first round?" Tsukasa spoke up as he looked back at the team with a look of uncertainty.

"Ehhhh...looks like Isshiki, Megashima, and Yukihira are coming out," Rindo smirked excitedly as she eyed them like a predator. "I wanna go!"

"Rindo-senpai, I'll go." Nene interrupted her. It is only natural for the best to go last. Furthermore, Nene has the nerve to pick with Isshiki.

"The Great Shiratsu Julio will go as well! Rindo-senpai, just let your underclassmen do the work!" Nene turned to see the confident and loud Eighth Seat. She pushed up her glasses and heaved out an exasperated sigh. Even though they were on the same team, Nene could never tolerate someone like Shiratsu.

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