What is Your Passion?

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"Oi! Rindo-senpai sent us a picture from the Amazon Rainforest."

"Yukihira, how the heck did you get her number in the first place?" The Eighth Seat, Takumi Aldini raised a brow at him. Yukihira shrugs before letting out an envious groan.

"Man, I want to go there too! Look at Rindo-senpai and Tsukasa-senpai, they look like they have so much fun! Oi Nakiri-" He received a whack from the Second Seat of the Elite Ten, the pissed-off version of Nakiri Erina.

"Yukihira...don't think you're running away this time. Tadokoro will NOT take over your work! Honestly, Tadokoro, you should tell him off if you can't handle it!" The timid Tenth Seat looked up from her phone and gave a smile.

"It's okay Erina. Besides, Yukihira takes care of the external relations doesn't he?"

"Yeah!" Soma immediately agrees with Tadokoro. "I do work too! But it's so boring! I want to travel to the Amazon and catch fish! Or go somewhere else like our senpais!"

"Finish your work first." Soma jumps when another dozen piles of paperwork appear by his side. He turns to the tired Fifth Seat, Hayama Akira. Woah, there were serious dark eye bags under his eyes. 

As Soma was about to say something, Hayama was already rushing to grab the sneaky duo, Nakiri Alice and Kurokiba Ryo, to prevent them from running out the door.

Soma sighed in defeat and slumped on the desk.

"Kuga-senpai, save me." Kuga was in no better position than him.

Both of them had the same posture and position, they stared at each other before pointing to the First Seat.

Soma slowly turns his head before greeting an ominous smile. Besides the First Seat was the ever-serious Ninth Seat, Kunokuni Nene.

"Haha, Soma and Kuga. Let's finish our work today first, okay?" Although his voice was no different than before, amicable and supportive, there seemed to be an underlying impatience in his tone.

"Yes sir..." Soma deflated and got back to his paperwork. Luckily, Tadokoro was ever kind to pass a dried squid snack to him.

"Tadokoro, who are you texting?" She seemed happier than normal.

"Ringo said she met up with Momo-senpai and Saito-senpai. Ringo's art became super famous!" She whispered-yelled, and excitedly showed him Ringo's art.

"Wow..." Soma didn't understand art, naturally, he couldn't comment on it. But it was beautiful nonetheless.

Paintings and drawings of people such as their Momo-senpai, Bucchi, Saito-senpai, and Tadokoro..?

"She asked me before for permission and I agreed, but I didn't think she was gonna display it at such a large art museum!" Tadokoro became flustered and giddy at the same time.

"It's not gonna be a problem for us right? I mean-"

"Of course not, but wait Tadokoro, this is..." Soma accidentally swiped, showing another painting. It was massive.

It was the Polar Star Dorm. Although there were some modifications here and there, there was no mistake about it.

"Soma, do you know what she called this?" At that moment, it was as if the entire room seem to quiet down in respect of the artist and her work.


"Wow." It was all he could say in response.

"I never knew Ringo was such a sentimental person," Isshiki-senpai spoke up with a soft genuine smile on his face. "Well, we never got to know her true personality. So I hope we can get to know her better."

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