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"This one!"

"No no, this one!"

"What about this one!"


"Which one do you like?"

"Which ever mi'lady likes-"


"No fair! You can't use your authority...fine. You win Alice. Ryo, do you know how to put it on?"


"Mou! You're so stupid! Just like my cousin Erina!"

"S-Shut up! Of course I know how to-"

Pale, tiny hands wrapped the bandana around his forehead. Alice gave him a small grin as she tied the knot.

"There, doesn't he look handsome!? I knew I had good taste in fashion! Oh and Shiro, you're buying it."




In an instant, the male dunked three of the ladies down to the ground and behind a bush.

The three groaned, and before Alice could complain or criticize him, he covered her mouth with one hand.

Footsteps and murmurs. Shuffling of feet and then yells.

The three ladies instantly silenced themselves, and Alice childishly pushed his hand away with a frustrated look. The three was clearly in panic, as they never expected security. But nonetheless, they stayed quiet, and didn't dare to make another peep.

Ryo was somewhat trained in this kind of thing. His childhood wasn't the brightest, and he must always be prepared in sudden attacks from the streets. He made enough enemies for him to be cautious.

He simply narrowed his eyes at the guards before he made simple deductions for an escape route.

There was too many of them.

"Mi'lady, we have to go." He whispered to her, and she shook her head childishly.

"We have to save Shiro!"

He wanted to save her too.

Ryo almost clicked his tongue in annoyance, luckily, Erina silenced the complaining woman with a hand over her mouth.

As much as Ryo wanted to beat the guards to a pulp, there was simply too many of them, and he had to protect three ladies at the same time. It was simply not feasible.

The male heaved out a silent sigh. As much as he wanted to save the red head, he had to do it another time.

"Mi'lady, we have to go-"

"Just beat them-" He clasped his hand over her mouth and she fisted his chest in defense. Ryo ignored her and picked her up before motioning for the two other, more understanding ladies to move.

"Ryo! What are you doing!? We have to save Shiro-"

"Mi'lady, I have to put your safety first." He stated robotically. It was true, for he promised her mother and father that he would be there to stop Alice's reckless antics if her safety was on the line. Furthermore, he didn't want to lose Nakiri Erina in this mission right after they saved her.

One out of two.

As much as his pride is hurt, as much as he wanted to go back, he could not.

Too much risk.

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