To (re)Plan a Revolt

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"Ryo...if Shiro doesn't like you then so be it! There is nothing for you to cry about!"

"I'm not crying."

"C'mon! We're going to eat a lot of food to make you feel better! Be honoured! I'm going to cook for you!"

That made the male perk up in surprise.

"Mi'lady, you're cooking?"

She flushed and crossed her arms.

"Of course! I'll do it if you stop sulking and start talking to me instead of yourself!"


"Hmph, of course, my food is good!"

"I can make it better."


Ryo sat beside his lady while he ate the food she made. It was freshly made, hot, and warm compared to the weather outside.

It was also something that Ryo rarely experienced, at least not anymore where the albino would cook for him. It was always him cooking and serving her. In a sense, he could consider it a miracle.

Food made for him.

Not the test dishes he had to comment on, not the ones from their "friendly" Shokugeki, but just for him when he's...feeling down.

Would this be considered as empathy or sympathy?

Ryo would never know what the other is thinking. After spending quite a lot of time with her, he believed that it was impossible to get into her head and understand a single thing.

But they managed to coexist beside each other.

They were a strange duo with unique personalities and even Ryo could acknowledge that the two of them were polar opposites. But perhaps that was what kept them in control.

If he was on fire, she would be one of the only ones to easily pull off his bandana and then slap him on the back to instantly calm him down. If she was on fire, which is really rare, he would just prepare himself and then cook her some food where she would angrily eat with whines and rants.

Or just open some dramas for her to watch.

"Do you feel better?" He saw her stare at him expectantly.

"Not really." She instantly got riled up and slapped his back again.

"Mou! I even cooked for you!" She crossed her arms and legs as she childishly fisted the air.

Ryo, confused but not surprised, only watched her throw a tantrum. He didn't know what to say in this situation.

"Mou! You don't even appreciate my cooking! You're such a meanie!"

"Thank you, mi'lady." She froze at his unexpected gratitude. Ryo breathed out gratefully that she stopped, as he knew that he said something right.

"Of course!" She huffed as she stood proudly with sparkles beside her. Then she pulled him away and he lazily followed.

"Where are we going mi'lady?"

"You said you wanted to check out the gym right? I can help you exercise!" Ryo widened his eyes slightly.

She remembered?

Was this her way of comforting him? Ryo had no idea because her attitude hasn't changed whatsoever, but he supposed this was her way of comforting him.

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