The Festival Ends

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"How come boys' hair can be so spiky? It defies gravity and physics."

"How would I know?!" 

It was a weird request.

"Like Dad, his hair is down and not weird like yours."

"Shut up! I was born this way!" Soma sat against on the bed, with her behind and on the bed. He could feel her hands ruffling his hair. 

Soma never felt so annoyed, comfortable and nostalgic at the same time.

"Hey! Stop moving! Even though your hair makes no sense, it feels so nice to touch! What conditioner do you use?"

"...I used yours."  




All of that ended when she attacked him for using her conditioner without reason. 

"Hey! You just left it there!"

"I forgot it there! But it doesn't mean you can use it without my permission!" 

"It's just conditioner! And your memory is terrible!" 


"Yukihira Soma!"

Soma barely had a break before the feline woman, also known as the Second Seat of the Elite Ten, dropped by his cart to congratulate him. He just finished closing his small humble stall and waved goodbye to the others. 

Of course, it's not like he didn't like it, in fact, he was quite happy with the results that came with the hard work over the past few days. Nonetheless, he admitted that without his friends (and rivals), he would have never defeated the Eighth Seat with sales.

Like ever.

At least until he gets stronger.

As much as his pride refused to say that out loud, he knew it would be insanely difficult to win. After all, food wasn't the only factor that comes into diner success. He got that beaten into him by his Mom and Dad.

Never underestimate diners. was a challenge-and Soma never backed down from one.

There's still so much left to learn.

"Yukihira, you've worked hard haven't you?" That was clearly an understatement, but Soma could care less at the moment. He just relished his small victory and realized how much more skills and knowledge he has yet gotten his hands on.

"As your amazing senpai, I'm going to take you to eat something good!"

"Eh? Rindo-senpai, what are you-"

"Don't worry! It's all on me Tadokoro!" Before the duo could say anything, Rindo hooked the two with her unexpectedly strong arms and dashed off.

Did they just fly?

"Wait a second Rindo-senpai! Where are we going?"

"We're going to Tsukasa's place of course!"

That caught Soma's attention.

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