Sibling Quarrel

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"I...I am a-always surrounded b-by stronger chefs...and their d-dishes are so a-amazing that I s-sometimes lose c-confidence in m-myself. A-And, I am m-more of a b-baker, a p-patissier, t-than a c-chef."

"Ehh...I think your skills are amazing! The bite sized almond tarts were delicious!" She fidgeted  as she nervously looked away. "Besides, I think Akanegakubo-senpai is a patissier as well, just because you might not be the best chef, you can still go for the best patissier in Totsuki!" She immediately shook her head. 

"N-No way! I-I can't! Akanegakubo-senpai is a-amazing and her s-skill is...way b-beyond any patissier I ever s-seen!"

"Just challenge her to a Shokugeki!" The other didn't seem to get the message, but rather paled in comparison.

"Y-You know, Y-Yukihira. S-Sometimes I w-want j-just like you to h-have that c-courage and c-confidence."

" give me too much credit! You probably win a lot of matches yourself!"

"N-Not a-at all!" She then clenched her fists and darted her eyes around. 

"Um, I-I don't k-know if I can say this...but Shiro told me something. A-And, she told me to keep it a secret, e-especially from you, Yukihira." Soma tilted his head in consideration. 

"Hmm? You have her number?"

"Yes! W-We talk often! I...think y-you should k-know because y-you're her brother." He then realized that he haven't been calling or texting her for the past few days. After she warned him about Eizan, he was too caught up in experimentation that he pretty much forgot about her. 

"Ehh....what did she say?" 

Through quivering lips and stuttering words, an ominous feeling crash onto him.

"'Keep my brother away from me.'"


Was this why?

"Rindo-senpai, can Soma and I talked for a while...privately, before we go?"

His sister is against him, her friends and everyone back Polar Star dorm.

"Sure sure~ You can go use one of the spare kitchens down the halls." He didn't catch the amused, the mischievous look from the Second Seat as she cheerfully dismissed them.


Before he knew it, a hand grabbed his and led him down the hall of the large building. His body and mind were separate at the moment. His mind rushed to find an answer, whereas his body sluggishly followed her into a spare kitchen.

Soma was still in his cooking attire, his sweat still apparent on his forehead. But he paid zero attention to that as he felt this great feeling of betrayal.

"Why?" Once out of sight, out of the flashing lights and out of the public eye, he called out to her. He tried so hard to hide the pain, the anger and the sound of betrayal in his voice. 

His own sister is against him.

"I had no choice." 

"What do you mean?" Soma knew that she was selfless. She was always the one thinking of others.

"If I don't join, Erina will have to go back. She won't be happy-" He knew she cared a lot about Nakiri. 

"We won't let her go back if she hates his father!" It was no lie that the rebels hated the new Headmaster. 

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