Fight! Protect Our Polar Star Dorm!

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"Eizan-senpai, are you here only to tell me the same thing you told me before?"

Eizan sneered down at the petit female that sat behind the desk that used to belong to Nakiri Erina. A laptop in front of her, a latte beside it and a stack of papers to complete. She did not swiveled like he thought she would, but nonetheless, it felt good to finally get revenge.

"Heh, I want you to know your place. This is what happens when you mess with your seniors kid!"

Her eyes met him straight on and his cocky expression never faltered.

"Eizan-senpai, if that's all you're going to say-" Her neutral face irritated him.

"Oh, did I mention that I will send some of my men to safely evacuate your friends?" He leaned close to her and smirked at her enlarged eyes.

How he loved to see students' faces of shock and disbelief. How he love to see despair.

"Shokugeki with Yukihira Soma? Are you fucking joking? I'm going to fucking tear down your dorm before that!"

A hand suddenly pulled down his collar with so much force that he almost fell face first onto the table. His glasses fell off his face and his hands instinctively grabbed onto her hand.

"How dare you-"

That was when he saw anger in a patient woman.

"I. Won't. Fucking. Let. You."

Her words were a threat and meant nothing to him at all, but the one thing that caught his attention and perhaps even frightened him due to the sheer surprise.

Her left eye turned red.


It should have been easy.

This entire Shokugeki, that stupid dorm's entire fate should have been decided once he set his eyes on it's pitiful state.

The Polar Star Dorm is an old real estate that has been at Totsuki for years, so it was natural for him to be the one to destroy the dorm or perhaps renovate it. Anything really to get rid of the building for the new Headmaster of Totsuki.

Furthermore, he volunteered solely because he could finally get revenge on the two redheads for destroying his business for Mozuya. Those two cocky freshman managed to revive some low life's shopping district and destroy his investment.

It was difficult to get that location for Mozuya as well, and Etsuya had to go there personally in distaste just to drop the contract and cut all ties with that pitiful manager.

Everything should be following his plan.

So why the hell has this kid not fell into despair?

"Eizan-senpai...can you even cook?"

"Shut up Yukihira, nothing you do will mean anything. Aren't you worried for your dorm? It's getting destroy at this very moment."

"Wow...I guess not all Elite Ten can cook..." Eizan felt his temper climb up his throat as the redhead paid no attention to his taunts and to him whatsoever.

"Yukihira! You're just wasting your time here! Nothing will-"

"C'mon Eizan-senpai, if you're so confident you will win without your skills, then cooking won't hurt right? It's a way to prove to me that you earned your spot in the Elite Ten."

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