The Mysterious Kuma Man

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"Young Master, please don't make a mess-"

"Don't worry about it! All I have to do is teach Erina here right?"

"B-But Young Master-"

"Don't worry! Also, shouldn't you be with my brother right now?" The servant spluttered and bowed quickly, before she left in a rush.

When they were finally alone. He let out a long sigh. Erina blinked in confusion as he clapped his hands with the biggest, unfitting grin for someone of his status. He stood up and shuffled over to a cabinet and after some strange noises, he pulled out some thing she has never seen before.

Cheese puffs..?

"Behold my secret snack stash!" He grinned before he tossed the bag to her without warning. Erina eyes the man with childlike curiosity. "Don't tell anyone okay?" She nodded slowly in confusion. It has only been a few minutes tops since she met the him...and she already felt out of place.

Who was the odd one out?

"Let's get out of here." Erina wanted to protest, after all, she was told to stay here to learn things from him.

"But-" He offered her a tiny, round, and full of orange dust on it. Slightly weirded out, she didn't take it until she saw him eat it with delight. She too gave it a try, but unlike him, her tongue didn't take it so well.

Just what is this abomination of food-

But just seeing his sparkly eyes full of anticipation made her swallow...she regretted it.

"Can I call you Erina?" She gave a nod, "Great! You can call me big brother! I'm older than you by five years right?"

"B-But won't others be-"

"Who cares about the others?"

"B-But you're the heir of-"

"Erina." He gave her a grin and patted her head with his non tainted hand. Erina didn't know what to do then, for she was too young and naïve. She could not see the underlying messages hidden in his eyes.

"Too many expectations are going to hurt you."


"Lady Erina! An unknown person showed up!"

Erina rushed to the window of her room and looked out to the battlefield. The other dorm members also looked at the stranger with suspicion and caution. Now that he was closer, they could see him quite clearly.

Originally, this entire situation was supposed to be frightening, after all, they didn't know whether this was on their side or not. But the defender clearly worked too hard to make himself seem approachable.

The person wore a damn Kuma bear head.

It was ridiculous, yet the bear man was protecting the dorm with a stupid, fake bear head. He wore a white buttoned up shirt with beige chinos. By looking at his physique, it was most likely a male.

He already knocked out majority of the goons with his kicks, and with the Polar Star members backing him up with their hoses and weapons, they were winning. Erina felt relieved but worried when she saw the man dodge a rake and delivered a roundhouse kick to someone's head. Then he swiftly threw a punch to a chin.

She truly hoped that this man was a friend rather than a foe.

"Mah~ This is so tiring! This head is killing me!"

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