First Day

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"Tsukasa, let's join him! We should ride the wave!"


Tsukasa Eishi, the First Seat of the Elite Ten, has seen and experienced many things.

Students in despair, students in shock, and students in dread.

But never, never has he seen such visible and strong feelings of a student when they look into the eyes of a older teacher, another person.


But even then, she must have been a great actress, as her face was nothing of shock and distaste. He did not recognize that look until he saw her turn and bolt towards the door.

She was fast.

So fast that Eishi was barely able to react in time to see her look of disbelief, even a look of betrayal when their eyes met briefly.

She turned a sharp corner and the two men stood in silence as her steps slowly disappeared into the halls.

"She looks so much like her father."

The man's amused look did not falter when their eyes met. His fingers on his chin in a thoughtful manner, as he gave a smile. Nonchalant and even content.

"Ah, do not worry. She is just surprised to see me, her former teacher after all. No harm done."

Eishi found that difficult to believe now that he saw the petite girl escape from him.

"Thank you for leading her here Tsukasa, I will take my leave before Father comes."

"But she will tell someone that you were here." He smiles, and Eishi continued, his anxiety over the roof, "If the Headmaster knew then-"

"Do not worry, I will become the Headmaster in due time. Even if he strips you of your position, I swear to bring you back."

Eishi was unable to say anything as the man walked out the door with a confident stride.

He felt guilt and anxious and depressed for many reasons.

Expulsion was one. Azami was the other. Shiro was the last.

Eishi wanted to call out to Shiro at the very least. After all, it was his idea to call her to meet here.

Was it pity?

But a certain red-head burst in with another tower of paperwork that easily dispersed that thought. Scrap that, his anxiety was due to a certain childhood friend-


His face turned paler than his shirt.

"Tsukasa! I need your help!"


"What's wrong little one?"

"I-I-It's Erina!"



Senzaemon saw a familiar female at his door. It was an odd time for her to come, especially when she just returned from her own travels. He expected her to never come to him was absolutely necessary, just like when she reported...his terrible treatment towards his grand daughter.

The girl was out of breath, clearly from running. Yet, her face was full of panic and disbelief.

Pale almost as if she seen a ghost.

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