1 vs 50

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"Try this Akira!"

"What the-" Something weird was stuffed into his mouth against his will.

"It's sour pickled curry chicken with coffee!"

"That's disgusting!" Akira immediately spat it out and drank water to rid of the revolting and questionable taste down his throat.

She laughed and she too took a sample, before she gagged and also spat it out.

"Ugh...it's disgusting." Akira facepalmed at her reaction, rather lack of reaction as she simply put the bowl down.

They were young back then. Naive, silly, adventurous, and curious. 

"Why do you even make this...witch cuisine?"

"Witch cuisine? Really? That sounds so cool!" Akira quickly denied and discouraged her from making more.

"You know you're just wasting food right?" She froze for a brief moment, and a flash of fear crossed her face. Akira widened his eyes and immediately went to her side.

"Oi Shiro! You okay? Hey!" He gently shook her shoulders and she only snapped out of her trance. Her eyes blurred with tears and Akira felt oh so guilty, even if he didn't know what he did.

"Shiro, I'm sorry." He said anyway, and she shook her head adamantly.

"It's okay." But the smile doesn't reach her eyes, neither did her body language showed that she was okay; her hands shaking and her breath quickening.

"You're right, I'm just...wasting food."


"Shiro, what are you doing?! Why are you doing a Team Shokugeki by yourself!? Let me join you at least-"

"I am enough." She doesn't even raise her head to greet him. Her hair tied in a high ponytail, dressed in a white professional chef's outfit, and her unique knife in her hand.

"Shiro you can't! You're still against 50 people! And Yanai...she's good at what she does! If your theme is anything related to baking, you'll lose!"

"What do you think I'm doing right now?" She snapped back, her eyes briefly met his with a sharp look. 

This wasn't Shiro, it can't be.

She tasted her dessert and a scowl replaced her face with uncharacteristic speed. Then she placed the plate aside and cursed beneath her breath.

"It's not good enough to beat her."

"Shiro." She turned, and Akira swallowed when he saw a look of frustration and annoyance.

"Akira. I'll handle it myself. As always." She turned back to her apple pie with her hands clenched onto a cloth. "This is nothing." Akira felt his heart ache at her proclamation as if he does not exist. 

He was here, and he could help her in this Team Shokugeki. She doesn't have to be alone.

Because they were friends weren't they?

"Shiro. You can rely on me."

"No." There was no hesitation in her refusal. One word held so much weight, sorrow, and even betrayal. Akira wondered just what did Yanai do to make Shiro like this. The thought of it just made Akira more and more furious.

How dare she do this? Does she not care for all the moments they shared together?

Then she sliced a piece and offered it to him silently. He blinked, but when he saw her expectant eyes, Akira took it with a muttered thanks. Then she gestured for the security guards and teachers to try her food. He watched them walked towards her with a look of admiration and pride. Their faces full of great expectations and adoration, as if she was some saint.

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