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"Dad. Where are you?"


"Dad, something weird is happening. I...saw Mister Nakamura in school. Don't worry though, the Headmaster got it under control. But I'm...scared."


"He's back. Nakamura and the Elite Ten overturn Nakiri Senzaemon. Dad, I'm worried for Erina, what should I do? I'm worried for the school, I'm worried for my friends and for my brother."




Saiba Joichiro and Dojima Gin met coincidently.

But the call from the previous Headmaster was certainly not.

He was disappointed.

That was an understatement.

That old geezer can't even stop his "son" from entering Totsuki.

Oddly enough, Joichiro knew this was going to happen, even before he received his adorable daughter's texts, but then again, he was late to the party.

Things happened too quickly, and unexpectedly.

Who knew that the Elite Ten was also roped into this?

Yet he really thought she was trolling with him. It wasn't rare for her to text and it definitely wasn't rare for her to call him for random reasons.

He remembered when she called him to ask him what the hell was wrong with genetics and Soma's hair.

"Joichiro, are you going back to Japan?" They sat in a café, and caught up with one another. But of course, the main topic was Nakamura, a dear colleague of his.

To think that the nervous, shy and cheerful underclassman of his would do such a was ambitious alright. Joichiro would not deny his abilities, after all, he experienced it first hand. Not just cooking, but leadership and ambition.

"Of course. I'm almost done with business here."

"Your children, will they be alright?"

The father was confident that Soma will be fine no matter what. Even the world could burn down and he still be there dancing like a caveman and feeding people his disgusting food.

But Shiro, he wasn't sure. The little girl he took around the world, the little girl that experienced much more than Soma and the little girl who has never met Tamako.

Damn genetics. Damn his family's luck.

Joichiro was quite sure that no matter how much the little girl put up a front, she was traumatized by the events that happened.

He swear to God, to Tamako that Shiro will heal, which she did. Thankfully he had a friend like McFly, super helpful when you need a doctor around.

"They will be fine, Gin."


"What?" The father snapped out of trance and saw his friend stare him down.

"You need to be more attentive to your children." Joichiro blinked before he laughed.

"I know I know. But I'm busy too you know~ They can handle it-"

"Joichiro, they're just children."

Why is Gin looking at him like that?

"Yukihira Soma, and Saiba Shiro are strong, independent children, I will not deny it. However, as a father figure, you need to-"

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