The Thing About Promises

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"Joe! This is my daughter, Chloe. She's training to become a doctor like me!"

"Dietician," Chloe replied gruffly in English, almost tired from her father's insistence. Her Dad had to take her out to some fancy hotel restaurant to meet a friend of his, not to mention a chef of all things. She had work to do for goodness sake, and exams to study for!

"Isn't she adorable? Anyway, I brought her here to try your food!"

"Yosh, just wait a moment okay? Shiro! Come and say hi to McFly! I'll handle this one!"  Chloe blinked as she saw a petit redhead appeared from the kitchen, she too wore a small chef outfit, and as adorable as she was, Chloe wondered what the heck was a child doing in a kitchen. How old was she? Just by the look of it...she was way too young to be in the kitchen.

"Hi, Uncle McFly!" She greeted her father in English. Chloe blinked and then became impressed at her bilingualism.

"Hey, Shiro! It's been a while. This is my daughter Chloe! She's..." Her father counted his fingers for a brief moment before smiling, "She's eight years older than you! You can call her big sister!"

The girl turned with a shy smile before extending a hand. Chloe blinked, surprised once again at her comprehension of English but also mannerism.

"Nice to meet you, big sister!"

"Don't call me that. Chloe is fine." The younger blinked at her before she nodded with a smile on her lips. Her father on the other hand closed his eyes and sighed.

"C'mon Sweetie-"

"Shut up Dad."


"What was the result of Yua's proposal to increase the number of green infrastructure in Tokyo?"

"Hmmm~ Watanabe Yua?" A hand brushed her shoulders and she felt a kiss on her neck.


"Well, Watanabe said the proposal was approved, set to action next year summer. She'll need our support and funds if we want to quicken the process."

"Ask my assistant to check the deadlines and ask the head accountant to check our budget. I want you to meet with Yua and prepare all the necessary paperwork. Good work on the policies."

"Of course my lady."

White's Corporation.

One of the world's biggest financial companies. White's Corporation handles big business legal cases and secures deals worth thousands of dollars. They are known for their consulting and financial services. However, what's amazing isn't just their international presence, but the fact their organization keeps the majority of the world's finances in balance.

Their international presence is one to be impressed with, alongside their large team of professionals in every field. Their connections expand to every continent and their goal is to reach every country on the planet.

They created connections with politicians, one such was Watanabe Yua, the wife of Dojima Gin. With Watanabe's involvement, they were able to contribute and assist the government of Japan in terms of providing funds. White's Corporation also cooperated with many other business entities and even own several companies around the world. Fashion, broker and law firms, real estate, and more. White's Corporation has been actively involved in the business world and influential in every aspect.

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