We're Friends Right?

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{12 hours before the 1 vs 50 Shokugeki}

"Okay, we're getting nowhere-shut up Yukihira! WE need to vote a leader-stop spilling sake everywhere on the floor!"

Erina watched something called chaos unfold in front of her. The entire team of rebels, including others outside of the Polar Star Dorm, were gathered here tonight for only one reason. 

To bring down Central.  

Unfortunately, they weren't able to reach Hayama Akira for some reason.

"The wise man Marui has spokennnn, let's do a vote on a leader!" 

"Hehehe, I can take pictures of older sister Hisako-"

"Stay away from Lady Erina!" Erina heard a happy scream before Nao fainted to the ground by Hisako's touch. Question marks seem to appear from her aide as she became flustered and apologetic. Luckily, Mimasaka Subaru easily picked her up and settled her down onto a chair. 

"Hey! When Miss Fumio comes back-" No one heard Marui. 

"You can't just touch a girl without their permission Mimasaka!" 

"...I can't let a girl sleep on the floor, Aldini. And why are you crying?" Indeed, the blonde Aldini was bawling his eyes out...mostly because of the effects of alcohol? 

"Brother, you don't have to drink if you can't-"

"Shut up Isami! I have to beat Yukihira in drinking!" A cocky look from the redhead and Takumi was gone. The older only signed before he talked with Mimasaka as some of the few conscious students in the room. 

"I came because you told me there was good sake-" Hiccuped Hojo Miyoko, "And I'm impressed, Sakaki. You think you can make some Chinese sake? You should work with me back at my restaurant-"

"Sorry, I also have to take care of my family's shops. But maybe I can be a supplier or a partner?" 

"Heh, after all this bullshit is over, we have a lot to talk about." They cheered and downed their drinks. Erina could definitely see the two becoming great partners in the future. Their personalities fit as the two of them can be considered the older sisters of the group.

But is this okay? To just party and forget their situation even for a while?



"Lady Erina, do you think we'll be alright with this plan?" Erina was glad she has a sane friend with her. But throughout this entire craziness and chaos, she was strangely at ease too.

"Yes." Perhaps it was gonna be okay. They had a decent plan, courtesy to mostly the rebels. And frankly, they deserve some kind of reward after their small campaign to reveal the holes in Central's administration. 

Yet, a tiny part of her dangled on a string.

Erina feels guilty and perhaps because of her guilt, she was unable to fully relax or join in in the chaos. Or perhaps she knows that the game truly starts after this, where her father will not just shut down the rebels' activity online, but actively attempt to expel all of them no matter what. 

Or perhaps everything started was because of her. 

She doesn't pay attention, and her eyes dimmed again. She clutched her nightgown and bit her lips. Perhaps it was then she realized how lucky she was to have these people around her, rebellious and reckless, yet so kind and caring. Where would she be without them? 

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