Author Note - Trivia and Extra Things

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You made it to the last chapter! Congrats! 

Now you can hear the author rant, well, not exactly a rant, just some explanations, and thoughts. 

Some scenes that didn't make the cut

The first meeting between the heirs of the Isshiki and Kunokuni families. Ikki, the heir of the Isshiki Family, jumpstarts his career in law with the help of his neighbor's mom.

"My name is Isshiki Ikki, nice to meet you, Lady Nozomi. I am the first son of the Isshiki family."

"My name is Isshiki Satoshi, I am the second son of the Isshiki family."

"Pleased to meet the two of you. Nene, come here and introduce yourself."

Nene moved forward and knelt down on the cushion beside her mother. She folded her fingers in her lap and bowed her head slightly.

"My name is Kunokuni Nene, nice to meet you."

"We are delighted to have the two of you here. My daughter will show the two of you around. Unfortunately, I must leave to do my work."

"Lady Nozomi is a lawyer alongside a critic, correct?" She returned a professional smile.

"Indeed I am." Ikki bowed slightly with a relieved look on his face.

Nene saw a sparkle of hope in his eyes, almost filled with admiration. The same look as her when she was mastering the art of soba.

"May I come and learn?" Her mother returned an intrigued expression before she extends a hand.

"Of course."

When Shiro asks Joichiro about her family in America after her treatment for her heart condition. In which Joichiro hides

"Dad, do I have a Mom?"

Joichiro froze in the midst of feeding her at their apartment.


"Of course. When you're completely healed, I'll take you to see Mom, okay?"

" she in Japon? You always go back to Japon." Joichiro watched her eat her fried rice.

"Yea. Japan."

"When I travel too? I also want to meet Mister Soma! You always say his name when you're on the phone-"

"Shiro," Joichiro caressed her cheeks.

"Please don't listen to Dad's conversation okay? How about this, I'll get you more English books and Spanish books to read."


Her innocent smile, her complete trust in him, and the sudden twist of events made him feel nothing more than a failure of a parent.

Just some flashback moments that didn't make the cut, but luckily most did, so I'm happy about that! 

The Thing about the Nakiri family

In this story, Senzaemon turned out to be that evil mastermind villain that controls things behind the scenes. Now I do have reasons for why I wrote him as a "villain". 

I always thought him specifically selecting/searching the Jewel Generation to be something odd. Sure, it was ultimately for Erina, but this mastermind trope just stayed in my mind, and soon I saw some potential in it. 

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