Big Brother's Burden

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How did this happen? She was just catching up with Asahi about life, and then Soma came rushing into the test kitchen as if there was a fire.

"Sis! Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" Shiro asks and raises a brow. Soma strides toward them with a suspicious smile.

And of course, Asahi reacts to Soma's suspicious expression with a provoking smirk.

"So. You're the big brother that Sis was talking about."

"You can call me Asahi. And you're her twin brother?" A nod.

"Yukihira Soma."

They shake hands.

It was silent for a solid minute, the two idiots just judging, sizing each other up before they start saying useless things. Which indeed brought them to this cold war, with her in the middle between her two idiot brothers.

"I'm her big brother, so Shiro likes me better."

"What are you talking about? Of course, she likes me better, I'm her twin!"

Shiro face palms.

"Well, I was by her side, protecting her when she was small."

"So? I know her better since we're twins! I can protect her too!"

"Really? Do you know her favourite colour? Her hobbies? Her pet peeves?"

"Of course I do! Do you share feelings even though you're far away from each other? I know when she's sad and I can always run over to her-"

"But you didn't, instead she had to reach out to Ikki and me to ask for help."

"That's because-" Soma pauses before bowing suddenly, surprising Asahi in the process.

"Thank you for taking care of my sister and helping her."

"Soma..." All of a sudden, Soma seemed to become more mature. Shiro saw Asahi look between the two before he pats Soma's shoulder.

"Well, she saved me first." A whisper. Huh? He quickly pulls Soma up.

"But of course, how could I ignore her plea for help? But all that matters now is that it's all over. Let's be friends alright?"

The truce lasted for about 2 seconds before Asahi fans the fire again.

"So, you say you know a lot about her, but how can you say that when you've only known her for a year?"

"Hey! It's not my fault!" Shiro felt her guilty conscience catching up with her again.

"I'm going to ask that old man later! How did you meet my sister anyway?" Soma asks finally, a curious expression on his face.

"Who knows?" Asahi playfully answers, then sends a wink to the exasperated sister. Soma looks to her for an explanation.

Just as Shiro was about to answer, Asahi puts a hand over her mouth and a finger to his lips.

"It wouldn't be fun if you get the answer easily."


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