Chef de Cuisine

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"Yami, you look so much like your father."


"Soma, you will do fine! Just do what you always do. I believe in you!"

"Hah, you bet! I have to do something about Kuga-senpai's crowd, maybe...wait! I got a genius idea!"

"Yeah? Well good luck! My break is over. I would go over and help but it's super busy at my place. Either way, you still have another day or two to beat him in sales!"

"See ya!"

"Be nice to Megumi-"

Shiro was left in the silence as she heard the dial tone. She twitched a brow before she heaved out a tired sigh.

"This guy...he hang up on me!"

She let out an irritated huff before she pouted childishly. Shiro stood up and stretched.

Back to work it is.

How long since it has been since she worked in such a professional setting?

A few months perhaps.

But that didn't mean she was unused to it. Her father took her everywhere, traveled to many countries and met so many people. Been in many different kitchens and learned so many things.

How did she survive so many flights and managed to prevail against air sickness (and vomiting and dealing with crying children)?

Shiro loved travelling...and Fisney* movies.

Although she doesn't quite remember when she started to travel with her Dad. Since when she was a toddler probably. A toddler without any memory or care in the world.

Was that why she doesn't remember her brother?

Shiro froze on the spot as such a thought rushed into the center of her mind. Although it may sound absurd, the redhead thought this made the most sense to her right now. With his father's character, she knew this man would be the type to hide important things until the last minute.

Especially to a toddler.

The chef did not blame her father (only his cocky and teasing face), for she knew there must be reason behind his secrecy. But...she would rather know she had a real, biological family back in Japan when she spent a lot of time on a plane. She then realized how unfair her father had been.

He didn't tell her anything about her brother...and mother?

To this day, Shiro realized she herself was stupid for not asking. Perhaps once or twice in the past when she was younger, but until now, she just assumed her father was her only biological family.


The redhead heaved out a quiet sigh before she rushed back to the kitchen.

She would be sure to ask her father for details when she sees him next time. Perhaps a text message would do too.

"Erina? What's wrong?" The blonde snapped at her.

"Hurry! The dishes won't finish themselves! Get to work!"

"Yes chef!"

The rush was surreal. Despite the seemingly panicked atmosphere in the kitchen, the transitions and preparations was smooth and on time right up to the very second.

Perfection. Erina calls it.

Shiro would call it teamwork.

The differences between two chefs were phenomenal.

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