The Third Exam

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He has always been alone on that battlefield. He has always been the one left behind.


"I don't want to be alone."


"What are you doing there by yourself!?" Ryo got slapped on the cheek. He growled at the young albino girl. But all she did was pout and huff.

"You're not alone! After all, you have me, Nakiri Alice by your side!"

Before he could retort back angrily, she pulls him into a small hug, making him freeze in surprise.

"Forever and ever! So be don't be sad! Or else...I'll be sad too!"

Even though he has never remembered being hugged before, this warmth was nostalgic.

So naturally, he awkwardly hugged back.

(He would never admit that it felt good to have someone by his side, for a very long time.)


"Shiro, you joined the Elite Ten?"

Anger, frustration, and hatred built up within him.

"Why did you join the Elite Ten?!" His bandana was automatically wrapped around his head. He rushed up to her and grabbed her collar. He yelled in her face but she did not even budge, she didn't so much as to flinch.


"I'm sorry." She whispers in Danish. After living in Denmark for years, Ryo naturally swept up some of the language there. But to hear it after so long felt so foreign to him. Especially since those words of fucking pity came out of her lips.

"Kurokiba Ryo!"

"Protect lady Saiba!" He was yanked back harshly, and pretty much manhandled by the people in black suits. The security separated them and they stopped him from getting anywhere close to her.

"I need to expel you." She says.


"I'm the Fifth Seat of the Elite Ten. I need to expel you." She repeated flatly, almost as if it was obvious.

Almost as if she's convincing herself.

Did she throw them to the wolves? Ryo found that hard to believe.

Not yet, a voice within him murmurs.

"I'll call."

"What are you trying to say?! Just whose's side are you on!?"

"That's enough." Ryo snapped his head around to face a tall, muscular man.

"Young man, this is a place for cooking, and not your bickering stage." The man narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. His gaze reminded Ryo of those arrogant chefs back in his childhood. That alone, not to mention his uptight attitude and his rich outfit, irked him more.

"Fuck off! Who are you!?"

"How dare you." The older man sent a glare that sent shivers down his spine. His brown eyes stared through him with this look of impatience and intolerance. His thin eyebrow furrowed as he adjusted the collar on his beige coat. The wind seem to respond to the taller man's command, as his short brown hair ruffled.

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