Two Families, Two Ordeals

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Home sweet home.

"It's been a while, Tamako."

Joichiro knew the time to confront, explain, and apologize will come. He's been preparing himself since he came back to fight against Central alongside his children. Originally, he was going to explain everything when he visited Polar Star, but he was a coward.

He was afraid.

Even though he knew Soma and Shiro were not the type to hold grudges, he was worried about their reaction to his cowardice and excuses.

Seeing Shiro breaking down so many times and forcing herself to stand again and again, Joichiro was reminded of himself. After so many times, he thought that Shiro was strong enough to withstand everything and anything. He thought she would be stronger than he would be in the midst of the Sahara, venturing further and further (despite being lost the entire time).

She is stronger than him. Or could it be Soma and her friends that pushed her forward?

Shiro is strong-willed, professional, and determined. Someone who knows how to control herself and conduct her actions. Almost too mature for her age.

But one person can only take so much.

When she broke down in public as she cried in Soma's arms, it was the last straw for Joichiro. Never has he felt so guilty, so in pain, and sympathetic. He almost wanted to cry too. It was seeing himself personified, no, repeated again.

Yet he came late.

I am pathetic.

He wasn't afraid of their anger but of their disappointment.

He lied and hid from them for too long.

And what for? In the end, it brought nothing but harm for them, and temporary relief.

He sat on the floor in their empty house. Even though he and Soma left long ago, it was kept clean by his in-laws. Like Tamako, despite their elderly age, they consistently visited this place and kept Tamako company. Like Tamako, they were kind, outgoing, and optimistic.

They reassured him again and again and helped looked after Soma while he was away.

He approached the photo of his late wife and wiped the frame with his fingers.

"Tamako, I wish you were here with me. The children and I missed you." Joichiro smiles wistfully and then sits in front of her altar.

"They grew up well, Soma being the reckless idiot that he always has, and Shiro being his fire extinguisher as always. Even though Shiro has always been the physically smaller one, she has always tried to protect Soma."

They really grow up so fast.

"Dad." He turns around at their calling. One is all too familiar with this room, whereas the other is as confused as they could be.

"Hey. Sit anywhere you want."

They sit in front of him, both expectant and patient. Joichiro decides that he can start off with the good memories, the ones stored in various albums and collections, and at the forefront of his heart.

Under the altar, he took out a couple of baby albums, surprising the twins in the process.

"What the heck? I thought there was nothing down there!"

"You just never looked, you dumbass."


Looking at the baby photos, Joichiro fought back the urge to cry. He inhales deeply before flipping open the first one.

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