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"You met them on your travels?!"

"Amazing right?"

"How old were you back then?" His sister thought about it for a second, before she magically brought out a small photo album.

"Maybe like when I was seven or eight is when I met Akira, and then I met Ryo."


"You know Soma, sometimes..." She then smiles wistfully, a distant and an expression Soma did not like to see.

"I envy you."


"Oi Hayama! Just what are you thinking? Joining Central and going against Professor Shiomi's wishes, are you a fool or what?"

"Tch, focus on your cooking and stop answering stupid questions. I already told you-"

"You're an idiot." He sent him a glare and then went back to cooking.

"I don't want to hear that from you. Now that you know why, just enjoy your last match."

"Oi oi oi! Don't keep your head too high Hayama!"

Soma then grinned as he began to fry his bear meat. He ignores the judges' comments and simply focuses on his dish and the man on the other side.

"Oi Hayama! Were you and Shiro close?" The other seasoned his food and a strong but pleasant aroma drifted into the air.

"Why do you ask, Yukihira?" Hayama replied, and Soma grinned to see the man calmly respond without any sort of hostility for the first time since the match started.

"She showed me a picture of the two of you with Professor Shiomi." Hayama flinched and Soma could see a little bit of red on his cheeks. "You were really-"

"Shut it Yukihira, I can't believe she showed you of all people."

"You were really short, shorter than my sister at that time-"

"Focus on your own dish Yukihira!" The other yelled (with the dignity of course) before he went back to take his bear meat out of the oil. Yukihira couldn't help but grin and do the same.

"Yukihira Soma." The redhead perked up and saw the Head of the Nakiri International staring at him with interest. "You are related to Saiba Shiro?"

"Yep! We're twins!" The older man was slightly taken aback but then a smile came onto his previously stoic face. "Although we just found out this school year." Soma quickly added with an awkward smile.

"That's interesting. I had the pleasure to meet her with my beautiful wife and cute Alice. In fact, I was impressed by her English."

"Ehh? She also met you on one of her travels?"

"Indeed. Both Mister Saiba and Shiro came over. Mister Saiba needed to do some business elsewhere and left her in our care for a while. I must say our family has gotten along with her quite well. Her language learning abilities are quite phenomenal as well." Soe reminisced and Soma hung onto every word as he made the final touches and began to plate.

Hearing and learning more about his sister made him happy.

"She learned a bit of Danish with Leonara. Then, she indulged herself in the world of business, she was quite intrigued in our works."

"I guess my sister is pretty amazing herself." Soma smiled, proud and even fascinated by all this new information. The redhead then noticed that Hayama was listening in on every word, and turned away immediately when Soma snapped his head towards him.

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