Let's Make a Promise

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"Dad? Where are you? Why are you taking so long?"

"I'm coming, I promise."

"But that's what you've been saying for the past few days!"

"Shiro. I'll be there. Just...talk to Soma okay?" 

"...Dad. Soma and I-"

"Yami, who are you talking to?"

Snake-like hands wrapped around her in a hug. She dropped her phone and sharply spun around to face the smiling man. She didn't even hear him enter, she didn't even notice him come this close-

"And here, I've been hearing about you jumping out the window and getting hurt." His eyes trailed to a bruise on her wrist. Shiro widened her eyes and then covered her injury with a snarl. 

"Be careful."

"Oi, Nakamura. What do you think you're doing?" The Headmaster chuckled lightly, his posture relaxed as he watched the female under his dark, astute and penetrating gaze. She too, returned his watch with a cautious and unrestrained glare. 

"Saiba-senpai, without permission, you cannot enter Totsuki. I won't make any more exceptions." He picked up the phone and returned it back to the frozen redhead. Her breath hitched when he smiled, and put a hand on her head.

"Don't disappoint me."


"It's all my fault." 

Tears won't stop.

Shiro somehow managed to keep them down when she left the kitchen and followed Rindo back. But the second she dismissed herself to her room-

She collapsed.

The entire day, she locked herself in her room. How pitiful she must've looked to others. How pathetic she must've seemed to her friends and her own brother. At this point, does her friends still believe in her? Does she even have friends now? 

The tears just kept falling like a waterfall. There was just no end. But it was nothing compared to the guilt, the pain within her. She wanted to scream, to run, to fight. She even punch the wall a couple of times and throw something to relieve her stress. Now her favourite bubble tea pillow was on the floor. She cried in her dark room under her covers. She even threw things, broke objects as she held back the urge to scream. 

No matter what, she didn't want to show that underhanded man weakness.

Not only did he practically isolated her, he also made it clear that Ikki's entry was only because he allowed it. Meaning that without his permission, no one can enter nor leave. Her dad was probably stuck outside and was pushed aside by authorities.

Shiro can't do anything.

Shiro. Can't. Do. Anything.

"Dammit!" She was beyond furious. How dare he? How dare he act so smug? How dare he act like King? Act like a God? Who does he think he is? 

She severely underestimated him in terms of manipulation and underhanded tactics. Sure, she was able to tell Soma about Eizan, and tell Ringo about potential sabotages Central was planning to do, but it wasn't enough. That man was practically spying on her every move! He outsmarted her in everything! 

Of course, she tried to rethink. Come up with a better idea, a better plan. But none came to her mind. The only thing was his face, his smile, whenever she thought of escape.

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