Black and White

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"Azami. What did you do? I left her with you...why is Shiro-"

"Saiba-senpai. I solely wanted to teach your daughter what true gourmet is."


"Erina and I will never go back to you."

How amusing.

He almost laughed out loud but he didn't.

Just a small chuckle.

A small chuckle as he clapped his hands together.

The clap was loud.

Obnoxious. Infuriating.

It was only loud because it was the only thing that dared to make a sound in this suffocating atmosphere.

Azami put a hand on her head. That was all he had to do to make her obedient.

To make her freeze up.

"Don't. Touch. Me."

Azami's arm was smacked away, hard.

The man practically ignored everything else, the whispers, the looks and the little boy who looked just a bit like red head.

"Mister, I don't know who you are, but if you're making other customers uncomfortable, you should leave."

"Yukihira Soma!"

Azami didn't bat an eye at him, rather he just assumed this was another misstep, another failure of a student. Although he must say that this was one famous misstep of a chef as the so called pros in the room seem to know him.

All he focused on was the two girls.

Such a difference in their response and Azami wouldn't expect any less.

Saiba-senpai has trained her well.

Nonetheless, he had work to do.

He has to take over this school, rat out all the useless ones and create the true gourmet he strived for.

It didn't take long for his welcome crew to arrive.

Quite a loud and staged welcome it was.

Although Azami could really care less about the cars, the lights, and the surprised crowd. He only gave the two ladies a small smile.

"Excuse me for a moment. I will be back." He saw a small look of relief on the red head's face, but it immediately turned sour when he leaned forward.

Her eyes flickered but immediately met his eyes with a daring look.

Her professional white chef outfit, her tied up hair and her look of determination...

She looks so much like his idol.

"You will come back to me."


"Promise me you will never say anything about that asshole of a father okay?" The taller opened a bag of chips.

"Okay, I promise, Lord Isshiki."

"Don't call me that. Besides, I never wanted to be the heir of the family. Too much work and eyes following me. I'm going to give that position away."

"B-But why would you give that position away to-"

"Hey Hisako, let's go play cards with Erina and her cousin...what's her name again?" Hisako hesitantly took a chip.

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