Panic - Lando Norris

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It was Monday and you were tired already. You spend the whole day in university and knew it wasn't the end for today. You made your way back home and sighed out as stepped inside, seeing you were alone. Walking through the house, you packed your bag away and wandered upstairs into your small study room. You took your books from the shelf and started to wander through them. Another long night would lay ahead of you.

You laid your head on the table and took a deep breath. Hours have passed since you got home but you didn't have a free second. You skipped dinner and sat at your working desk and tried to work through everything your teacher gave you. It felt like you were behind everything and your mind didn't work with you. Notes turned into a roman and you felt like you couldn't move on. Your head wandered to the notes you didn't do the last time and your heart was beating like crazy. You lifted your head from the desk and saw the words becoming blurry. Rubbing your eyes didn't help so you closed them and shook your head. The stress held onto you tightly and you couldn't escape. Every day meant more work and more work meant more stress that you couldn't handle.

Minutes on doing nothing passed and you heard how the door opened downstairs. You listened to the steps and felt more and more tense the closer they got. You heard a soft knock and warm voice on the other side of the door. "Babe? Are you in here?" Lando asked and you took a deep breath. "Yeah. I am. But I am working" you answered and heard how he tried to open the door. It was locked. "Why are you locked up? That's not safe" he continued and you huffed. "I just need time alone to finish this" you answered harshly and heard how he started walking away. "I am downstairs if you want to see me" he said and you rubbed your temples before you tried to get back into working.

Nothing happened. You read the pages over and over and didn't wrote another word down. Frustrated, you pushed the papers of the table and got up. You left the room and silently made your way downstairs. Lando stood in the kitchen and was mixing around in a pan. Soon enough he spotted you and smiled. "Finally" he said and told you to come over. Slowly, you made your way towards him and looked at him. He tried to lean closer to you but you wiggled yourself away. Lando tried to hide that he was hurt and looked at you. "Will you.. eat dinner with me?" he asked and you shook your head. "I still have stuff to do" you answered and he nodded slightly. "But you need to take a break too" he said and you huffed. "But I have stuff I need to learn. There is nobody who does it for me" you snapped at him and he filled his plate up. "I am trying to distract you. Nothing else" he said while you grabbed some water. "I don't have time for that" you said and walked back upstairs. Your mind was racing and felt heavy. You didn't know why you were so harsh with him but you couldn't deal with it at the moment.

Your stomach grumbled as you tried to get back into writing but you failed. Constantly your mind wandered to Lando and you felt your throat closing up. You gasped for air and got in front of the window, hoping to get some relief. In the dark room you saw your phone lighting up. You let your eyes wander and saw Landos twitch notification. Slowly you sat back down and opened the app, seeing his face on full screen. You bit your lip as you saw him only half smiling and barely interacting with the chat. "Huh? Yeah I am fine. Just had a hectic day. I was pretty busy and I am trying to come down" he said and you closed your eyes and watched him for a bit. "No it's okay. Please don't ask. I think it's my life. I don't have to share everything" he said and tried to read the chat more. "We can talk about other stuff too" he continued and leaned back, typing away on his phone. "Yeah I am ready to race again. It's been a while and I am always excited you know me" he said and leaned back onto the desk. "No I will be flying alone. She has to study. Sadly" he answered with a small smile and you closed your eyes. "It's important to her. Of course I support it". You always loved how he talked about you on streams but this time it feels different. He was barely laughing or smiling at all and you knew you were the reason. Quickly you closed the app again and run out of your room, feeling like you needed to throw up. As you run into the bathroom you heard Landos door opening. He followed you and kneeled beside you, putting a hand on your back. "Hey. Shh. It's alright" he said and you tried to push him away. "Leave me alone" you said and tried to take some deep breaths. "No I won't" he said firmly and took your head, pushing it against your chest. "Concentrate on me" he said and you tried to take your hand away. "I can do this alone" you sassed and he stared at you. "I won't let this happen, okay? Let me help you" he said firmly and you felt the tears streaming down your face. Gently he pushed your head against his chest and hold you close. "I know it's quicker than normal but listen to me. You will be fine" he ensured you and leaned his head on top of yours. It took you a while but eventually, you felt like you could breathe again. You looked up at Lando and crawled away from him, pushing your hair out of your face. "Sorry" you simply said and Lando looked at his hands. "Stop saying that. I am here for you. Always. Don't push me away" he said and you got up. "I.. I will study a bit more. Don't wait for me" you said and walked away. Lando shook his head and walked into the other direction, closing his door.

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