Moody - Lando Norris

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It was seven in the morning and you yawned as you stepped out of the car. It was still dark outside and you rubbed your eyes as you stretched your back. "God. It's so early" you mumbled and stepped to the back of the car where Lando was already pulling the luggage out of the truck. He gave you some light bags and took the big ones, pulling them behind him. You leaned against Landos shoulder as you waited at the gate and felt how he leaned his head on top of yours. "I am so tired" you mumbled through your mask and Lando played with your hair. "That's what happens when you wake up late for your home office work" he joked and you pushed his arm. "Shut up" you said and snapped the mask on his ear. "Ow! Careful" he said dramatically and you chuckled. "Aww. Poor Lando" you said and pushed through his curls.

You worked from home since a few months since it wasn't really allowed to work proper in the office. Since then you flew to as many Grand Prixs as you could to spend time with him. So you sat next to him for the Portuguese weekend. The flight wouldn't be too long and you could still get work done at the track when Lando would be at his media duties.

The flight got called and you walked in, keeping the social distance with all of the crew members. You still sat next to Lando since you spend every day with him anyways. You tightened you orange McLaren mask and looked at Lando, squinting to show him that you were smiling. He smiled slightly under his mask and you took his hand. "What's up buttercup?" you asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing. Just don't know what to expect from this weekend" he said and looked out of the window. "Come on. One bad weekend doesn't mean the next one will be bad too. You had car issues. Nothing you could do" you said and pushed your fingers through yours. "I know. But it still sucks. Big time" he continued and you looked around, quickly pulling his mask and yours under your chin and pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "It will be fine, okay? Relax" you said and nodded slightly.

After you landed, you didn't have time to drive to the hotel. Lando got his car for the weekend and drove you to the track. You had your legs up and looked at him from the side, playing with the curls on the back of his neck. "What are you doing with my hair the whole time?" he asked and you looked at him with sad eyes. "Enjoying it until you will cut it again" you mumbled and he huffed. "I can't let it grow to my butt" he said and you rolled your eyes. "Not that long. But it needs to stay like this. It's nice" you said and pouted. "We'll see how I can manage this" he said and pulled the strands in his face. "You are so dramatic" you joked and leaned back, putting some songs on that he loved to listen to. He hummed slightly and concentrated on the road.

He still wasn't in the best mood when you arrived at the track. You walked next to each other to the paddock and scanned your pass, walking inside and seeing a lot of staff back at work. Lando looked around and pointed towards the McLaren garage. "Shall we go?" he asked and you nodded. He held his hand out for you and you took it, pushing yourself against his arm and following him. You walked into the little house and sat down in the corner as Lando layered all of his teamwear onto him. "You make it look like it's freezing here" you said and he pulled the zipper up. "Well I am freezing" he said and hid his hands. "I don't want to do the track walk" he groaned and you laid your head to the side. "Stop being so negative. This track is new to everyone. You start from zero. Get to know the track and you will do amazing on Sunday" you said and he rolled his eyes. "Okay motivation coach" he joked and you smiled. "I like the sound of that. Now come on" you said and pushed him outside. "Maybe I can come along. I won't understand any of your technical talk anyway" you tried to motivate him and followed him to his team. They were already waiting but allowed you to join anyways. The track was a literal rollercoaster. You were breathing heavily when you reached the end of the track. "Oh my god" you said and sat down. "I think that were the longest six kilometres of my life" you breathed out and Lando stood behind you, laughing slightly for the first time that day. "You can always with me when I go running" he said and you huffed. "Never" you answered and leaned against his legs. You saw one of the staff members taking pictures and you looked up at Lando when he showed thumbs up. "Yeah. Now you can laugh" you said and he chuckled again, helping you up. "What's next?" you asked and looked unhappy again. "Media. Senseless conferences. Nothing I am excited about" he said and you nodded. "I know. But you will be free afterwards. We can do something. Think of that" you answered and he nodded. "Okay. Yeah. See you later" he said and leaned forward, trying to kiss you and forgetting about the mask. "I hate these things so much" he mumbled and you laughed. "Later, okay? Promised" you ensured him and he agreed before disappearing with his team.

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