Hello Peanut - Lando Norris

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„Lando?" you asked and looked at him. He lifted his eyes from his phone and looked at you, lying in his arm. "Hm?" he hummed and drew little circles on his arm. "Look at that" you said and held your phone right under his nose. "Not again, babe" he groaned and looked at you. "But they are so cute" you told him and pouted slightly as you swiped across the little photo series. "Look at these tiny paws. And the smile" you said excited and Lando covered his eyes. "Babe. You keep showing me the same dogs. I know you love them" he told you and you pouted. "I want someone with me when you are gone. And we would have such a good routine with one. Imagine waking up and having a little dog right here" you said and pointed at the end of the bed. "I already have you right on top of me. I don't think we need a dog for that" he said chuckling and you rolled your eyes. "Yeah. Change the topic" you told slightly annoyed and lifted your head from his shoulder, lying on your own cushion. "I am not changing the topic. I just don't know if this is the right time" he said and you closed your eyes. "I know. But it would be nice. I always had one when I was little" you answered and looked at him. "We have time, okay?" he told you and you nodded slightly. "Okay".


A few weeks later Lando was gone over the weekend and you decided to go out again and walk some of the dogs in the shelter close to your home. You wandered through the park as you held the two little dogs on the leash, smiling as they walked like magnets to each other. "Oh you are so cute" you said and snapped a few photos. An hour into the walk your phone was ringing and you smiled as you saw Landos face. "Hello" you said smiling and heard him fumbling with something on the other side. "Hello babe" he said and took a deep breath. "I am finally sitting again. How is your walk?" he asked and you smiled. "Can you go on facetime? I will show you the two little ones" you said and accepted Landos call again. "Here they are walking so close to each other. Like little magnets" you said and chuckled as they looked at you. "We look the same when we walk next to each other" Lando said and you grinned. "Probably" you chuckled and turned the camera back to you. "I am happy when you come home" you continued and Lando smiled tiredly. "I am too. Trust me. I can't wait for the winter break" he told you and you nodded. "I know. We will have a lot of cookies and hot chocolate then" you smiled and he groaned happily. "I can't wait" he mumbled and you pulled the beanie closer in your face. "I can't wait either".


After Abu Dhabi Lando was finally home and you were clinging onto each other like crazy. You were cooking together every day and when it was time to decorate, you brought all your boxes up from the basement and placed the balls and lights all through the house. "The amount of batteries we need for these" Lando laughed and laid some little fairy lights on the big table. "Not too many. I bought some extra ones just to be sure" you chuckled and decorated the TV area.

"The tree looks amazing, doesn't it?" Lando asked and you nodded. "I love it. Classic red is just the best colour for a tree!" you said and Lando smiled. "I mean. I would have preferred orange" he said you chuckled. "I am thankful it isn't neon!" you said and Lando looked at you with wide eyes. "Oh my god I didn't thought about it" he groaned and you huffed. "Forget this idea! No!" you said and Lando tickled your sides. "Oh no. I won't forget it. Wait until next year" he said and you groaned again while laughing.

After your little fight was over, Lando walked to the shelf and smiled to himself. He grabbed a little present and placed it right under the tree. "What's that?" you asked and Lando just looked at you with innocent eyes. "Ah you know. Nothing" he said and you pouted. "Come on. It's unfair that I can see it already!" you said and he just smiled wider. "I won't tell you. You have to wait and see" he told you and you sighed. "Okay, meany".


The Christmas time flew by and before you knew it Christmas day was there. It was the first time you and Lando would be home alone completely and you were more than excited. You spend the morning in bed with him, eating some pancakes and croissants before you slowly got ready together.

You wanted to dress up for the special day and you smiled as Lando joined you. Normally he wasn't a fan of dressing up but today he got his turtleneck out and you whistled when he turned to you. "Oh wow. Look at you" you said and put your hands on his cheeks. "I love these shirts" you mumbled and Lando laughed. "Leave it on me for the day, alright?" he said and winked. You acted like you thought about it. "Hm. Alright" you said after a while and he placed a chuckling kiss to your lips. "You look so beautiful" he whispered and you turned red a little. "Thank you" you whispered back and Lando placed his hand on your back. "Some fancy photos?" he said and you smiled. "Yes please!" you answered and posed with him a little, ending the session with some silly photos as always.

After dinner you said on the couch together, completely passed out from the food. "Shall we open some presents?" Lando asked and you groaned. "I don't think I can move ever again" you said and Lando chuckled. "But I want to start at some point" he said and you sat up again. "Okay. Let me start" you said and walked to the tree. Grabbing the first one for him.

And it took you a while to get through the presents. From things like a Polaroid camera to a hoodie for him and other things. "So you give me a hoodie that you will wear?" he asked and you gasped. "That's an assumption!" you answered and he laughed slightly. "I have to wear them before. I know" he said and you shrugged your shoulders. "Okay maybe you are right" you told him and looked at the tree, seeing the little present he put there first. "What's up with this one?" you asked and Lando got up. "You can open it in a second. I just go to the bathroom first. "Again? How much did you drink?" you asked but Lando was gone already.

After some minutes he came back down and held another box in his hand. "Lando? Another one?" you asked in shock and he nodded. "Yeah. A big one" he told you and you looked at him. "This is way too much" you said and observed him as he put the box down. He handed you the little box from under the tree. "Open this first" he said and you hesitated before carefully unwrapping the small box. You opened the box slowly and looked at Lando with a confused look. "Why did you give me a name tag?" you asked and Lando pointed at it. "Turn it around". And you did. But it made you more confused than ever. "What is Peanut?" you asked him while you stared at it. "Close your eyes" he said and you did. "This is so confusing" you mumbled and heard how Lando was fumbling around.

After some seconds Lando was still again. "Open your eyes" he said and you did slowly. "This is a Peanut" he said and held a little beige Cockapoo puppy right in your face. And your brain didn't function. You stared at the puppy as she started to lick your face. "What?" you asked carefully and looked at Lando behind her. "This is Peanut. A Cockapoo. She was a rescue because she wasn't wanted anymore. So I thought we want her" explained and slowly placed her in your lap. "I thought the name was fitting because she has the colour of a Peanut" he continued and you carefully wrapped your arms around her with tears in your eyes. "Oh my god" you whispered and carefully lifted her to your neck. "That's why you were gone so often" you told him and he nodded. "Needed to have an eye on the little one" he explained and you carefully placed a kiss to her head while she licked your chin carefully. "Oh my god" you repeated yourself and looked at Lando, sniffling. "Thank you so much" you whispered and saw how soft he looked at you. "I can cook without burning the food now. This is a good next step, don't you think?" he asked and you chuckled. "Definitely". Lando leaned towards you and placed a kiss to your lips. "Merry Christmas" he smiled and played with her soft ears. "Thank you" you said again and leaned onto his shoulder. "I have a bed upstairs too. And a bowl and food. We can shop the rest in the next days" he said and you smiled wide. "Sounds like a perfect plan".

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